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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. I hope you realize that this claim is BS and use the readily available resources on this very board to disabuse yourself of this notion. I hope you're just lazy and/or blinded by confirmation bias. Optimism dwindling tho. C'mon man.
  2. Smart and selfish. Sometimes it's OK to be selfish, but don't be suprised when you're criticized for it.
  3. Lord loves a working man and don't trust whitey.
  4. Step 1: Become chief cheerleader for a nuclear dumpster fire of a President whose pandemic bungling kills a quarter million Americans. Step 2: Undermine safety recommendations from qualified, competent public health officials that would limit additional deaths. Step 3: Profit. No I mean it, line up for your time at the trough, you've earned it.
  5. Dan is in a tough spot. The GOP crazies these days are out of their minds, turning against anyone who even occasionally contradicts Trump's version of truth. He can't afford too many more eye-for-an-eye exchanges.
  6. And that Melanie salted the Rose Garden. Probably some red stable boy lawn jockey statues too.
  7. Thanks. I was picturing a short-legged dog but that didn't feel right
  8. I wish I had a nickel every time I heard that.
  9. You're fun. I will let you know where I land on the whole Ignore thing.
  10. Yes but the degree is ambiguous and thus "Defund the pokice" is poorly suited for sloganeering. The ambiguity both hampers your own message's effectiveness and makes the slogan ripe for fear mongering by the opposition. Es no bueno.
  11. At the very least, their CEO was lucky to sell off in November soon after the initial announcement.
  12. Why not? The Trump kids have demonstrated their skill in running nonprofits (into the ground).
  13. "Enemies of Democracy" barely even stings anymore when your constituency rewards bad behavior. Cue the grinning tubby yokels in the 'I'd rather be a dead Russian than live Democrat' shirts. The rot is so deep, being an Enemy of Trump is a much more undesirable label to them.
  14. Now that Barr has announced no significant issues found, I see Trump pivoting from contesting the election to a Twitter game show pardon sale-a-thon. Reasonable crooks would be discrete but Trump will be too easily seduced by the intoxicating power he holds over peoples' heads. He will absolutely sell pardons too. Always Be Grifting.
  15. Mr President I would like a pardon too please. Thx, Butterbean
  16. That is one big ass basket of Deplorables.
  17. I've never been happier to see a President on the golf course. Honestly I wish he went more often.
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