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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. On the upside, it could be a golden age for abortion tourism. Just the shot in the arm that the airlines need.
  2. Well, yeah. You don't come prepared for your lackey to ceremoniously hand over a really heavy prop like his healthcare plan otherwise.
  3. Conservatism is the fantasy that Republicans use to justify what they want to do anyway. Cryptozoology is the search for animals whose existence is disputed. One of these things sews confusion and is often exploited by hucksters to enrich themselves. The other concerns itself with the yeti and is mostly harmless.
  4. You can see why stable boys rarely wear miniskirts.
  5. I would take a President Herman over President Trump in a heatbeat. Much less of an existential threat with the nuclear football in his hands. OTOH you might be into something with a coach Trump. He's shown he has a tremendously offensive mind, seems to make passes with impunity and can really enable the Russian attack.
  6. 65 years for a former hard drinking rock star guitar player is virtually old age. Suprised he lived that long.
  7. How Russia Today Skirts High-Tech Blockade to Reach U.S. Readers The Kremlin-backed outlet has been boosted by a news aggregator dominated by conservative media sites By Keach Hagey , Emily Glazer and Rob Barry Updated Oct. 7, 2020 6:07 pm ET On any given day over the past two years, visitors to the home page of RealClearPolitics were likely to see its famous average of political polls, a roundup of news and center-right commentary—and, near the bottom, a link or two to stories from RT.com. The provenance of the RT headlines was obscured. Readers didn’t immediately know they were clicking on headlines from a Russian state-backed publication that American intelligence officials considered the Kremlin’s “principal international propaganda outlet.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-russia-today-skirts-high-tech-blockade-to-reach-u-s-readers-11602078094 Fascinating recent piece. It's behind a paywall and I don't have the time to track down the whole thing. Maybe someone else can post it.
  8. My AM pre-caffeine brain read that as "virtuous" and did a double-take. Sure, I can see that. A virtual debate is far less shocking.
  9. Archeoastronomy of the Americas FTW. Thursday nights in Welch. Among other things we looked at the celestial alignments of various ancient structures and their significance to the cultures that created them. Fascinating stuff.
  10. What kind of love is that, Matt? Like a dog loves its owner, a parent loves their child, or that kind of forbidden, confusing love you have for Nestor the Molestee?
  11. This whole experience is making him grow as a person. Donald now thinks "I can't breathe" is a valid concern.
  12. Fog of War Best of Enemies (2015 documentary, not the 2019 fictional movie that happens to share the same name) Idiocracy
  13. Based on the company he keeps, GR's more of a Master Racer than Master Gardener.
  14. Trump's reported anger at Meadows for being too truthful in discussing his condition yesterday is gold. Mr Chief of Staff, as a general rule of thumb, it should be a red flag if you ever find yourself telling the truth to the press. About anything. You should know this by now. Truth is the enemy of Trump's puffery and lawlessness. Avoid it reflexively.
  15. I hope no one hacks the feed and makes a mockery of it.
  16. Is it misogynistic to wonder if she's a super spreader? You know Trump tried.
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