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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Note to self: install ADA compliant ramp at gallows.
  2. He's just using the same default strategy employed when paying contractors, responding to subpoenas, releasing taxes, and all things he seeks to avoid...delay, delay, delay, until your hand is forced.
  3. May Sara Gideon kick both sides of her ostensibly fence-sitting ass.
  4. We should put an outsider millionaire celebrity in charge! You know, really shake up the system.
  5. Trump is capable of any horrors you can imagine, and some you can't. This is not hyperbole.
  6. This election will be the moment of truth cleave of America's goodness from the cancer. The lump in my throat will quite possibly be with me through mid January. The cancer may win. Happy New Year.
  7. I am only sorry that Vince McMahon wasn't there for Trump's performance tonight. Next debate Trump should come in costume, perhaps as a human.
  8. The military is on notice of what to expect on election day. You guys got a little more than a month to practice for what is perhaps inevitably going to happen. I wonder what military alliances Trump's trying to forge right now. Like in Survivor.
  9. If Biden loses, we are either so fucked because of our electoral process beung so corrupted or our stupidity. Possibly both.
  10. It was the only moment tonight honest to God spine shiver in my house.
  11. Duly noted. It felt like a Stand Down to me. We disagree on that word. Your by is my down.
  12. My dream but unexpected scenario perhaps come true? Is Biden's shellacking of T tonight so thorough as to make R senators reconsider their SC vote? ps Proud boys stand down!
  13. Pardon the pedantics, but you're misspelling "Moscow".
  14. Well they've got Veritas in the name. Must be legit. James O'keefe has never steered us wrong before!
  15. Being immune to dissonance's nagging discomfort is a cornerstone in Trump supporters' psyches. Whether due to stupidity, ignorance, or evil, sadly you can always count on it.
  16. Thank Jesus/Allah/Buddha/Ra that Bijan is still with us, much less walking today.
  17. Indeed. Sweep his political leg and break his political neck. Then skull-fuck him. Politically.
  18. You can't help anybody, doc. That's what impotent means.
  19. I've always kind of liked him, but Tim Brando's personal anecdotes today made me wonder. No decent sane person makes money and decides to live in Shreveport. Good win tho. Whatever. 2020 is the year all of life became Arena League. Why would this game be different?
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