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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Not a doctor, but it would seem that Foster's mood swings and impulsive, self-destructive behavior are concerning as possible CTE indicators. I hope that's not the case.
  2. In Republican circles that just means their handsome youthful pool boy Antonio is sportfucking GR's wife.
  3. Our fear, ignorance, and inability to honestly self-reflect brought us to where we are today, all of which existed pre 9/11. National unity around a President was piddled away on calls to return to shopping and revenge on brown folks regardless whether they were the actual chief antagonists of 9/11. We continue to choose the easiest answer which promises the greatest perceived personal benefit even if the promise is transparently hollow. 9/11 was just a stop along the road. Shallow, selfish people do shallow, selfish things like elect an obvious conman whose lies kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.
  4. Like most things Trump, it's a lie at the most fundamental level. A payroll tax deferral where the bill comes due after the election =/ a tax "cut".
  5. At first glance I thought it was the Horns' former shooting guard. I'm happy for JD that it wasn't.
  6. All you say is true, though I'd add that he's not even interested in caring nor does he value it. Genuine caring is weak. Trump can awkwardly simulate caring but it's like a dog playing a piano. Anyone can tell the difference. Leader of the Free World, ladies and gentlemen!
  7. Trump's just like us! Indifferently depraved.
  8. You libs are never happy. Trump finally embraces a person with a speech impediment and it's still not enough.
  9. 2 months from today, we'll awaken to the 1st day of Trump contesting election results or vigorously assuring us that the initial results are inviolate. I feel like a kid counting down the days to Christmas who knows that there's a 40% chance I'll find Santa took a dump in my stocking.
  10. It's a testament to Trump's depravity that no sentient beings would be surprised if the Atlantic piece is truth. His soul is darker than a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.
  11. Linking to Twitter because it embeds easier for me. There are some laughs.
  12. Every game for U Miami will feel like a home game.
  13. I thought it was Model/Actress/Whatever, no?
  14. I read it as the castle doctrine writ large. An existential threat justifies behavior that would otherwise be impermissible, namely enabling Trump and trashing the rule of law. She's giving herself a free pass because evil libs. May history not be so kind.
  15. You've got some Toole in you Jimmy.
  16. Worry not. Infrastructure Week can always be postponed again.
  17. Only because so few specialize in the abnormal psychology of Pediatric Gerontology.
  18. Golden shower parachute? I mean, presumably a pool boy is into water sports.
  19. As long as Laura confines herself to red states, the spice will flow.
  20. That's below the Mendoza line, even for the RNC.
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