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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Just Don't Look was my mantra in 2016. Never again. On top of everything else, Trump ruined that Paul Anka tune for me.
  2. I've crunched the numbers and it checks out. 112-12=100.
  3. Any idea where all the fantastic quasi-Norse wall art went as locations closed?
  4. It's so good to get some normalcy in my life back, like not watching WNBA games.
  5. To be clear, I didn't mean to imply that you personally negged him.
  6. AB was unnecessarily conjured. Mention anyone you like but tagging them out of the blue does feel like bad form, especially with a poster with such hatred of this forum. Negging him for an opinion was also weak. Thus ends the channeling of Emily Post.
  7. I wish we'd left Geraldo in Al Capone's vault
  8. In more positive news, the face eating cougars are thriving. 2020 has offered rich hunting ground.
  9. Funeral or not, I have a hard time imagining Trump near that many black folks.
  10. Fingers crossed this ends with hanging Donalds.
  11. A rare tip of the hat to McCarthy. "Congressman Covid" may be tough to shake for old Louie, even after completing the standard prescribed UV Light Up the Butt protocol.
  12. "Grift" and/or "Malice" are always the answer.
  13. Invoking Jesus the Enforcer as muscle in your petty squabbles while you warn against sorcery. Chefkiss.gif
  14. I'm not clear why you drew the hyperbolic Mitch inference, but no matter. Our divergence is on the "inarguably necessary" criteria. With your loved ones, I gather you evaluated capacity with an ultimate concern for their best interests. There's no analagous concept with Trump: neither Trump's nor the nation's best interests are a real consideration, just narrow personal calculuses (calculi?) determined by a group that has enabled destructive, traitorous behavior for 4 years. They can and will argue against the inarguable if it suits their goals. The Party of No knows obstruction if nothing else. I am genuinely sorry you've dealt with this issue in family members. I lost my parents in college, and while that was rough, I'm not quite sure how I'd manage with what I now see my friends going through with their parents.
  15. It's the paid advertisements to a captive audience during previews that got me. Movie trailers are fine but in no way am I willing to pay for the privilege of watching a Ford commercial.
  16. You seem to be under the misimpression that the GOP hasn't indelibly cast its lot with Trump. Separating conjoined twins would be a simpler operation, as much as the GOP might fantasize about the prospect.
  17. Fauci's a small guy but even he can't fit in the tiny box you've constructed. Perhaps the good doctor hopes to improve national morale and engender cooperation while modeling appropriate protective gear and social distancing. Finding fault here is a reach.
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