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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. It’s identity politics in a time when everything is politicized and propaganda is delivered to your phone. PS one side is very bad and supports a would-be despot who undermines democracy. This idea rubs me the wrong way too, but in this case is true, thus the folly of bothsides.
  2. Sean Penn peaked at Spicoli. He’s been insufferable since.
  3. Slightly off topic but a sort of corollary to that: I’ve wondered about Trump voters and their success in recovery. So much of the Trump ethos is about anger, resentment, lying, shamelessness, belittling others, cultivating enemies, denying reality, not applying critical thinking, etc - things antithetical to 12-step programs. Are Trump voters in recovery able to compartmentalize this cavalcade of dysfunction and somehow successfully work 12 steps at the same clip as non-Trumpers? I know what my guess would be but I lack any real basis for that.
  4. Damn, that was beautiful. Love that dude.
  5. She sounds like someone who dislikes women romancing each other.
  6. So damn good to see Mitchell going to the floor on 50/50 balls. It sets a tone.
  7. Venables looks like a dude who did lots of roids at some point.
  8. I question whether Fafita will be back. He seemed to motion to his head after that hit.
  9. Oklahoma stealing? Come with something more plausible please
  10. This sounds like paranoia. Resist the urge to feel like a victim if you can, that’s an unpleasant existence. Don’t personalize disagreement. You’ve got more supporters than some imagined seething crowd of detractors. Much love & peace.
  11. The rush to make a premature condemnation of RT’s tenure is silly. Faced with the choice of letting it play out or being made miserable by unknowns, I know which one to chose.
  12. Eliminating all stupid excuses for a guy who claimed justification to violently overthrow a democratic election? Good luck with that. Trump didn’t become god king to angry douchebags without having the ability to turn every story into a tale of victimhood.
  13. Texas a&m bought Eric Dickerson a Trans Am & Jimho whatever $75 million buys. Then they cite the Honor Code. Cucks before it was cool. Never change. ED Comes Clean
  14. Putting that kind of weight on an adolescent’s signature not to have sex is folly. The penis stronger than the word.
  15. Pretty sure Donald Jr snorted the third rail a while ago.
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