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Everything posted by DJ DJ

  1. Don't accuse me of going to the UofA then. If you don't give a shit, don't bring it into the conversation.
  2. I'm fairly sure all you Texicans do too.
  3. Try reading the first few pages of your own board. Then you can talk crap about people writing in internet forums.
  4. I wasn't going to, to be honest. Then I saw all you Tejas rednecks talking crap about the coach. You can talk crap about the team, no one cares. But by all accounts, Pittman is well regarded in the coaching community. For that transgresion you get dumped on.
  5. Actually, I'm not an alumni,
  6. That's a great idea. Then after every weekly loss you'll make like $22.50 when people come in here and and rub your noses in your own collective ass droppings. I'd do it if I were you.
  7. Pissed caused you lost big to poor little ole Arkansas? Don't be mad at us. It's your team.
  8. You're foul-mouth bunch. Stop that cussing. That shit really pisses me off
  9. They didn't rush the field because it was a win. They rushed the field because it was YOU. Nothing more and nothing less.
  10. Quite a bit, in fact. Watching football (and other sports) is just a hobby. Granted, it has been an annoying hobby lately
  11. We beat you. I am a happy camper
  12. We just had one. Thanks.
  13. Adios boys. MAYBE you can beat Rice
  14. What? You can't take it? Big bad meanies like you? Once you join the big dogs it won't just be Oklahoma kicking your asses.
  15. You guys aren't going to be in the BIG 12,10, 9, 3.14 (whatever it is). You're going to be in SEC. You know. The big boys, where you have no power to manipulate anyone. You'll just be another turd in the toilet bowl. Enjoy
  16. USANALonghorn, that's exactly what you're going to get. By the way, is that your IQ or your sperm count
  17. Get ready. It's gonna be like this every week in the SEC. No Kansas, KState to beat up on.
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