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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. This seems like a lot of words to say “All A U Can SMD!”
  2. Sydir: I am coming to play at UT for you coach Davis Bo: LOL. K. Byeeee Sydir: I transfered to LSU to play for you coach Davis Bo: LOL. K. Byeeee Sydir: Man fuck this shit LSU: Wow, what a bad teammate
  3. All of this commotion for a net gain of $14 million per year. Congrats and all, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere you havent been before.
  4. Can you imagine how Children of the Corn/Get Out if would be if everyone actually did it like he said?
  5. Well said Doctor Spock. We will now hear from the mirror fogging regard from ponchatula. Mr Carton, you have five minutes.
  6. Consider that Elko sat there and watched Jimbo manufacture the #1 recruiting class evaar with many of the same tactics. That is Elko’s measuring stick of a good recruiter. Prior to that he worked for Brian Kelly, who is as useful as a soup sandwich on the trail.
  7. It was the UTSA game that he got injured, one week after this game.
  8. If you were to ask me who the better coach was between Akina and Joseph, I don't think there is any real debate there. For that reason I am fine with it, especially since he isn't being asked to do as much this time around.
  9. EBITDA around and find out
  10. I never quite got the hire, and it drove me crazy watching our DBs do nothing but face guard for Sark's first couple of years. Joseph was a quality recruiter, but I was never enamored with his coaching.
  11. I’ll have you know that there is a little hidden gem named Pawnee, Indiana that is a must visit sir.
  12. And Emmitt Smith by game 5 *ducks*
  13. Yes, by all means. Let's sandwich that visit in between USC and Texas and see how that works out for their fair town.
  14. Meh, not really seeing anything spectacular in those "highlights" of basic 4 and 5 yard runs.
  15. Bobby seems to be hinting that the guy we hire will likely be Norval McKenzie due to his recruiting ties to Georgia/Florida that can help replace Choice.
  16. That entire OLine room should sue his ass into oblivion for lost wages and defamation.
  17. Limiting access to the outside world is typical cultish behavior. I am not sure why anyone should be surprised.
  18. Authorities were able to apprehend Cook when he dropped the keys with at least 20 yards of cushion between the officers.
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