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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. Lashlee is doing a Gary Patterson level good job of talent evaluation. They are going to be a player in the ACC sooner than later.
  2. Allow me to introduce you to Ian Boyd...
  3. Funny story from this morning. My Bama contact was crowing about their big recruiting weekend with a bunch of 5 stars on campus including Justus Terry, then he started going in on me about how Sark said in his recent interview with Joel Klatt that we don't lead with NIL for recruits, but Niblack and Bond left Bama "for bags". I told him that we don't have to lead with NIL or even mention it because there are an army of aggies, roll tiders, and cajuns squeeling like stuck pigs about it and posting pictures of our Lamborghinis all over social media. I said "You are our marketing department dipshit." The lightbulb flickered for a moment, and then he went on a rant about Caleb Downs.
  4. I have heard Jerry say Mills is a RT candidate. I just have a hard time thinking we can somehow pull Brooks and Fasusi, and thinking down the road to 2026 getting John Turntine. If I were to put money on it, I would say Brooks to Georgia. That would clear the picture a bit.
  5. I was laughing until you got to the high fives. Now I am a bit concerned.
  6. Assuming we get Mills, I would imagine that taking Brooks likely loses Fasusi.
  7. Although I have to admit, choking him by sticking a freshly shat golden chef's hat down his throat is fairly innovative.
  8. I am not sure that would have been voluntary.
  9. South Carolina is the school in the mix with a true culinary program through the university.
  10. So do we think Terry Black's or Lincoln's Black BBQ is going to win out here?
  11. All of that ridiculous explanation and "They are good ags" is somehow still attached.
  12. Little man in the front is pro Texas Tech. Doomed.
  13. Are you kidding me? AI Bundy was the star of Polk High.
  14. I was thinking about this the other day. If they really do impose conference roster limits due to revenue sharing as has been floated, probably the biggest beneficiary will be the B12 schools. If the B1G and SEC suddenly only allow 70 scholarships per school, then that would mean you have about 100 higher tier guys per year who would have otherwise been playing in those conferences having to find a landing spot. It could give rise to a school like Houston, Colorado, UCF, etc because they will be landing those guys that just missed the P2 cut. With reduced roster limits, I could see there being much more parity across the conferences. As an example with Texas, we may have never taken Byron Murphy, Barryn Sorrell, or Jelani McDonald late. Maybe we decide to cut the cord on Jaydon Blue out of high school for a lower risk guy. Maybe we don't stick with Christian Jones for as long as we did. Those are impactful guys on our roster that might otherwise be at Oklahoma State or TCU.
  15. Now his redass mom has an excuse and can just blame being wind chapped.
  16. Justin Wells has entered the chat. Do those golden triangle kids track and smack?
  17. I bet they make an exception for him, especially considering he never once coached for a school with any sort of history or resources, and was doing so against all the bluebloods. Plus, his impact on the game is impossible to overstate.
  18. By the time Liucci tells it, Arch will have reached out to Jimbo personally asking for A&M to double the $6 million per year NIL package that Texas desperately paid for him. But Arch ultmately was worried about… checks notes.. Marcell Reed because he beat Arch up in the parking lot at the Manning Passing Academy.
  19. Man that is embarrassing. On the other hand, it could hold some sentimental value. "Hey kid, you see that dent and that stain there? That is where Reggie Bush was blasting Kim Kardashian at halftime while coach Carroll drew up his Heisman winning play."
  20. I may be out of the loop a bit with the NFL, but I don't think most teams want a quarterback in the first round that they have to bring in with multiple loads.
  21. The are expanding the sound system and board so that the taco bell gong really hits home.
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