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Make em eat Taco Bell

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Everything posted by Make em eat Taco Bell

  1. humanitarian aid should never be a bargaining chip. Why starve kids, women & elderly for any reason? Israel is MAGA^ MAGA, even more than you.
  2. bad reply! I bet you can't name one bad thing about Tik Tok.
  3. it's a free speech bulletin board , as would be old school opinion ed pieces in old school newspapers. So in fact, it's a free speech issue no matter who owns it. Chinese tech platforms are not prohibited by the US Constitution. i wish we could place sports bets (legally) in TX on US platforms. Sadly, we have to go offshore.
  4. so all foreign owned media in the country has no 1A rights and can be regulated or even banned? Newspapers, books, magazines, every non US website?
  5. so what if China knows your tiktok habits? As long as there is no virus which can siphon your bank account, what's the harm? what about FOX?
  6. wut? If TT is now a pro Republican tool (Trump/Yass/Abbott) then why is the Republican House against TT?
  7. so what if China has personal data? how does that affect Taylor Swift tour dates?
  8. the Israeli extremists already have the American Superpower at their behest. There's nothing to be lost anymore, the Gazans have been smashed into ashes and the ashes have been pounded into powder and the powder has been further atomized. They are below zero and going to die by the thousands. Get them out of hell , no time to play abstract games.
  9. larger macro polls show whites are becoming more Democrat while minorities becoming more Republican.
  10. Israel isn't paying the Arabs a dime. Survey says 68% of Israelis don't even want humanitarian aid trucks to go into Gaza. Their attitude is kill/starve the Arabs, each is a terrorist in their bloodthirsty psychotic revenge motive. Gazans need to gtfo asap, before the IDF murders another 30,000.
  11. exactly, life in Gaza is OVER. Israel has purposely target all institutions - bakeries, schools, water purification systems (even murdering 20 people waiting at a water truck), every damn thing needed to sustain life has been destroyed. Not to mention 2/3 of all housing. No water, food, electricity. Life is over, simply evacuate them to about a dozen western nation, we won't feel it and israel will be overjoyed to get rid of 2 million Arabs - the Arab politicians themselves will complain but secretly the Gazans will be happy to get the golden ticket to Europe or US.
  12. wow, elite RBs not getting anything these days , Barkley too, but Wilkins DT gets $110 Million. Damn.
  13. aside from Syria, no Arab nation has been using the Palestinian issue for decades. Many have secretly openly been dealing with Israel for years in business and undercover diplomacy. The quoted stance ended or began withering away in the 1970s/80s. Even Syria has more important issues like massacring 1 million of themselves, the Palestinian issue is a distant memory.
  14. i prefer daylight until later in the evening since that gives more time to get yard work done. Daylight early in the morning lacks utility for my purposes.
  15. the US should airlift all Gazans to Europe and US - as was done with 124,000 Afghans in 18 days. Optics of "ethnic cleansing" and the bogus idea of a Palestinian state (Israel will never allow it), this is the most humane outcome.
  16. yes they are if name is Kennedy. Also have to worry about Green Party.
  17. and if the LOON RFK jr makes a 1-2% difference somewhere, Biden is dead. so it might come down to a handful of PA swing counties, which is damn scary for the fate of this nation and the world.
  18. if Trump is given GA, all he needs is PA edit: Biden wins even if Trump takes MI, but PA is the key given GA to Trump
  19. EC always determines the winner. I think Biden loses but has 7 million more. That's our corrupted system, we are powerless.
  20. i thought Congress did away with the time change shenanigans with 438-0 vote. Explain.
  21. so wtf explains the housing price superspike, especially with rising mortgage rates??
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