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Make em eat Taco Bell

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Everything posted by Make em eat Taco Bell

  1. it's about the volume and volume alone. Random non-Texas threads are on football, baseball, basketball - but cult obsessions need explanation.
  2. It's called current events dipshit. dumbass, you missed the point.
  3. never thought I'd be sad to lose Maton, but he had his best career year 2023. Damn. Losing Neris is unforgivable. Thanks Montrero overpaid contract!!
  4. don't you find it strange that non Texas or even non Cowboys/Texans topics get 5-10x the attention?
  5. but on a Texas board? Same for Deion Sanders with 4200 replies but the Sark thread only has 1200. need another football tab for non-UT related topics. Or something "off the field" as Hornfans had.
  6. yeah, about a Michigan coach on a Texas board. Year round, not just the offseason.
  7. this thread has more activity than the Earl/VY threads combined by 10x. Weird to be obsessed with this guy , or Mayfield, or aggy.
  8. bombing of enemy targets happens weekly, no need to showboat over 3 deaths.
  9. Biden's steam train has run out for lots of progressives who stupidly will not even vote for him in critical swing states. Guess who wins then.
  10. natives get good corporate jobs too -- see UT Austin grads.
  11. corporations give well paying jobs for college grads.
  12. oh but it does. HS exemptions are relatively minor given the appraisal and it's not a damn farm haha.
  13. total bill , prop rate DOWN. Appraised value UP. "As for your bullshit about how the poor have always been poor, of course they have. But once upon a time we were Mississippi with good roads. Now we’re just Mississippi. " no, we're Texas. Next you'll say we are Cameroon.
  14. outside the burbs, many small towns are quite nice, it's certain poor areas will and have always been poor. yes, my prop taxes went down as the appraised value went up too. "Did I miss a memo that went out? That's the second poster in a week who, when faced with statistics showing hardships endured by the poor, says "meh, people have always been poor, not our concern."" never said it's not our concern.
  15. my taxes went down and massive corporations create jobs.
  16. Texas is, like most states, multi layered social strata where those low statistics mean nothing for us softy suburban guys. The poors and strugglers will always be there and always have but they are invisibile. Not sure why this thread exists, what's the point. keep in mind that the whole damn world and other Americans are moving TO TEXAS in droves. ++ biggest corporations in the world. yeah, failed state, no. Bad thread.
  17. so if the Steelers/Cowboys played the big game in the Astrodome , lets say it's 1979, Oiler fans don't care?
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