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Make em eat Taco Bell

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Everything posted by Make em eat Taco Bell

  1. the US agreed to leave by December 31, 2011, but could have evacuated any time beforehand.
  2. seriously folks, this is off the chain! Taking 5 of 6 from the mighty Braves and Rays on the road, back to back shutouts, especially considering the poor season start and today and yesterday without Alvarez. Hot damn!
  3. was expecting Obama to cease major Iraqi operations within the first 6 months but went on for another 2.5-3 years. Big negative for Obama in my book.
  4. Biden inherited the Covid disaster. Biden has a better grasp of issues than Obama, more experienced in more areas, a truer professional with better qualifications.
  5. one of the most truthful passages (bolded) I've read in a long time.
  6. Biden isn't perfect but he's the best this century, ahead of Obama too IMO. I'm baffled why people think he's no good at all.
  7. Meyers was pretty much everyone on this thread and last year's megathread.
  8. what questionable stuff, and why are you glad?
  9. wow, Lemon did nothing wrong here arguing with that pre-FOX nutcase. I need some substance as to why he was let go.
  10. remember when they fired Bill O'Reilly in the same timeslot? They'll just get another 100% obnoxious right wing juvenile screamer to replace Tucker. Probably Laura I , temping or perm.
  11. I don't understand the dislike for Lemon, especially by Surly libs/Democrats. nah, I've seen dumber on campus. Actually he's not bad at all , especially considering EVERYONE at Fox and several at CNN/MSNBC.
  12. this game is off the boards , wow. ] edit.. just returned
  13. the 1.86 ERA pitcher is 1-2 , about to be 1-3. Sad story.
  14. your franchise is screwed for at least 5 years, maybe 8. At least you have the Vikings.
  15. Gobert is one of the biggest oafs, given his massive playing time (not to mention contract), in NBA history. Worst hands in the NBA. What a disastrous trade for the Wolves and to think they bet the future on this guy.
  16. I was hoping to take out a Chinese balloon. That's success.
  17. your definition of success is vastly different.
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