US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, German, Spain -- the entire EU is available in small or large amounts . 50K, 75K, 10K. If 1,000,000 Syrians can get to EU by themselves, anything is possible.
European countries host over 1 million Syrian asylum-seekers and refugees, with the 70 per cent being hosted in two countries only: Germany (59 percent) and Sweden (11 percent). This makes Germany the fifth largest host country globally, hosting over 1 million in total, of which over half (560,000) are Syrians. Austria, Greece, the Netherlands and France host between 2 to 5 percent, while other countries host below 2 percent.
Across Europe, Syrians have been consistently afforded an international protection status, with the vast majority either been granted refugee status or subsidiary forms of protection while the minority benefiting from other humanitarian statuses. Since the onset of the Syrian crisis in 2011, far over one million (1,076,360) international protection decisions on applications by Syrians have been taken by asylum authorities in EU+ countries.