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Everything posted by Caponata

  1. This was also around 20+ years ago when I moved from NY to the Midwest as a kid. A close friend of mine's father was an avid hunter & outdoorsman (basically a redneck w/money) & when the NRA came up he was like "they're a bunch of fucking gun nuts who don't even hunt". This was a guy who leaned right & owned an arsenal of hunting rifles & the NRA was way too radical for him.
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/26/ukraine-frontline-russia-military-severodonetsk/
  3. I can get Italian citizenship but it's a total shitshow over there so prob not the best escape plan. I'm staying put & will do the best I can here.
  4. Nope. Putin is a despot war criminal.
  5. What issues do I agree with Republicans on again?
  6. I don't vote for Republicans.
  7. I'm seeing Twitter threads arguing if he is white-Hispanic or not. Not that a psychopath with easy access to guns just murdered a bunch of fucking children. This country is fucked.
  8. How old are you?
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/11/opinion/politics/white-supremacist-terrorism.html
  10. Prob won't happen. What cost would be considered too high? $100 billion? $200 billion?
  11. Wtf.. When did I say I was against background checks? Of course I'm for them. I'm just wondering what the protocol is when someone threatens a mass shooting, is a known WS extremist online, and has access to an arsenal.
  12. Threatening to commit a terrorist attack?
  13. Iirc the Parkland shooter (there are so many at this point) had the police called on him multiple times. If someone threatens a mass shooting who is also known to have access to seriously weaponry & a digital trail of extremism how to are they not immediately arrested?
  14. The Buffalo shooter had a sonnenrad on his manifesto which is also used in the Azov logo. Old NYT article points out how the NZ Mosque shooter & other violent extremists (including several men who attended the Unite The Right Rally in Charlottesville) specifically traveled to Ukraine to train with paramilitaries like Azov.
  15. Feels like walking on egg shells any time a criticism of Biden comes up. Valid criticisms of him, even if from a left leaning perspective, are misconstrued as giving ammo to the GOP. The bar should be set higher than simply not being Trump.
  16. Not just liberal but mouth breathers calling him a socialist or even a communist.
  17. You remind me of my friend's dad who thought Costco payed their hourly labor too much & he wouldn't renew his membership because he thinks they're "socialist".
  18. "If they want to work". Outside of someone who inherited wealth who are these people that don't work?Everyone has to work. You're not special.
  19. Boomers could raise a family & own a home on one salary. Also next to nothing in student debt if they went to college. Most entitled, selfish generation in history. Only generation to have it better than their parents & kid. They got handed the country on a golden platter & still fucking complain.
  20. Interesting article: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/19/politics/us-weapons-ukraine-intelligence/index.html
  21. The following questions always bring major lulz: -What is your best 40 time? -How much can you bench? -Can you dunk/what is your vertical? -What did you score on the ACT/SAT? I remember reading a thread on a different sports related forum asking what their 40 time was & all these middle aged guys were posting NFL combine numbers. I don't think anyone overestimates their athletic ability more than white guys over 35 years old.
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