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Everything posted by Caponata

  1. Moderate Nazis is the preferred nomenclature.
  2. There is a lot of money on the line for war profiteers, they're going to stymie peace as much as they can. They're licking their chops at a drawn out proxy war. I Just hope there can be a peace agreement.
  3. PuTiN pUpPeT!!1!1
  4. Didn't read after Tucker Carlson. Who gives a fuck about Tucker Carlson and boomer U.S. cable news shows that get less views than someone unboxing a PS5? This is a small % of the US population and nil for the rest of the world.
  5. You're trying to port a domestic, two-party American binary to complicated geopolitics. It's not as easy as Orange Blob dick or whatever supporters vs Democrats. If it was that easy no one in this thread would be supporting the right wing nationalists in Ukraine.
  6. Any sources on this?
  7. Are you throwing in the cloth only mask wearers in with the meatheads? Hasn't tht CDC ruled you need a properly fitted N95?
  8. Prob not sanction average Russian citizens who are barely making ends meet & advocating for them to feel pain? Americans try to port their domestic political views to geopolitics and it's a total fail. How many ppl with Ukrainian flags on their pfp could find the country on a map?
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/american-worker-less-vacation-medieval-peasant-2016-11
  10. Because they're ran by a despot who will punish them for speaking out. You apply this to the U.S. as well, were you protesting all the hundreds of thousands if no millions of innocent people who have been killed by our government?
  11. I don't remember people protesting speakers when I was in college. Like I can't imagine being 20 years old on a Saturday night & wanting to go protest Ben Shapiro or whatever right wing clown instead of trying to get drunk & laid.
  12. Yeah let's fuck with the average Russian citizen who is against the war. That'll teach them!!
  13. We're currently involved in a genocide in Yemen. Not a fucking peep of mainstream news coverage.
  14. People have moved on. Look at this thread.
  15. I thought that SuperPAC MeidasTouch said they were going to upload more damning Joe Rogan videos? Surly they can find more stuff in the podcast's decade+ history? Guess their deplatform campaign fizzled out?
  16. Did you get that from this Tweet? When you Google his name this shows up: So wtf was this guy doing in Ukraine if he did infact go?
  17. Because it isn't a source, that video has been floating around and that happened to be a random Twitter profile that posted it. I'm too tired to explain how Twitter works rn
  18. Tried to see if this was real or not pretty surr this is the same guy in this article: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2022/03/06/ohio-veteran-henry-hoeft-heading-ukraine-fight-russia-legion/9376048002/
  19. The U.S. has been complicit in the genocide in Yemen & no one gives a fuck in this country because they're brown people. If Ukrainians looked like Yemenis you wouldn't see even a fraction of the current response.
  20. Give up your nukes & expect the "Libya model" as dickbag John Bolton put it.
  21. I wish the mass exodus from California was true. It's either Californians moving within California or the people that go out of state are immediately replaced.
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