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Chris Dishman's Donut

Certifiably Surly
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About Chris Dishman's Donut

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  1. Today is 'Brother's Day' at my house. On 2/19/21, son 1 received a stem cell transplant from son 2 to treat acute myeloid leukemia. Declared in remission a year ago, we're considering C's ass kicked.
  2. Do I have to do everything? https://surlybrewing.com/
  3. This. Seems like Super Fuels should be more worried about whether Hanna-Barbera and Scrappy Doo come calling.
  4. Approaching 30 years around the equipment that turns rolls of paper into greeting cards. I'm kind of a big deal in the plant.
  5. No one said that 'all due respect' has to be a nonzero value.
  6. Poor guy's exhausted.
  7. Sorry, I didn't hear it the first time.
  8. Let's hope he's up to par in his next tournament.
  9. OK, I'll play. Where does the Takara Outlaw fall in the hierarchy? The lowercase 't' in the frame gusset was pretty cool in 1983.
  10. Gut. Meine Deutsche ist nicht sehr gut.
  11. Are we allowed to work in English?
  12. The queens we use would not excite you.
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