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ComicRack is extinct? What a terrible turn of events. I have thousands of digital comics and previously used ComicRack to organize them all. Anyone have a recommendation for something that manages a CBR/CBZ library and serves/syncs books to a tablet reader? I'm shocked that in 2025 there isn't another obvious ComicRack successor. We used to be a proper country.
...And then the dog tries to wake them but licks go astray and tongue hits a power outlet.
They don't make them like this anymore.
Oathsworn got finished. Tears were shed.
Is this gem finally getting it's due?
Coincidentally, I've been looking around for a replacement table (5'x5' is a great size for 90% of games, but I have the space for a larger table so looking to get something for the other 10%) and Game Theory's site keeps coming up. Their prices don't blow my skirt up, but their products looks stellar. I think the end of this story is me going to a local woodsmith and having him do something from a sketch. I have the War of the Ring: Two Decades Anniversary Edition on pre-order but the "deluxe" map has already arrived and it barely fits on my table, leaving very little room for players. My current solution is a folding table that stores under the gaming table for spill-over components and gaming space, but it's not an ideal solution. My plan is to have a LOTR weekend with some friends where we watch the movies and play War of the Ring, so that's my deadline. If you're looking to get something, Game Theory has a great reputation and you just can't beat a quality purpose-built gaming table. I'm never going back to gaming on a dining table, gaming tables bring too much to the.. table. If there is anyone in the Austin area who wants a gaming table, I might be looking in the near future to give mine away.
Someone mentioned that young adults today grew up with World of Warcraft, so their orcs have always been just green humans, and since those are the new target demographic it made a lot of sense to me why WOTC is changing them up. I don't like it, but there are so many alternate materials to draw from that I don't even view Hasbro/WOTC to be any more "official" as a source any different than any of the army of alternatives. They can do what they want and let the market decide if it was a good idea or not, but I'll be good either way and just pick up what speaks to my interests. I've learned to deal with disappointment from IPs that are far more important to me that my apathy checks are all guaranteed successes, I don't even have to roll the dice. And speaking of IPs that are more important to me, I played Star Trek Ascendancy several times now. It's really Star Trek in a box. All the factions play different and drip with theme. Gale Force 9 currently has a Gamefound on deck that will introduce new factions (including Gorn!), campaign mode, and stream-lined rules (meh), but the star of the show for me is the proposed crate to store everything. I have everything currently available and putting the contents from all those fiddly boxes into one purpose-built Kallax big box with a smartly designed insert that facilitates setup is my love language. The caveat to the annoucement is that the teaser scenario they debuted is sourced from Discovery. We're still waiting to hear more details from GF9, but if it turns out that Discovery or nuTrek material can't be skipped and is deeply integrated, there's a good chance I'll skip getting the campaign and just get the crate. (Apathy +20) Another space-themed game that was awesome to play was Andromeda's Edge. Just look at that table presence! Now imagine gameplay that's just as good as this physical appearance. I also have and enjoy Dwelling of Eldervale, which this game borrows heavily from. Andromeda's Edge polishes up several of those mechanics and introduces a few more. The end result is a superior experience all around, imo. I painted up all the gods for Amun-Re only to find out they are barely in the game. No bother, I'll still paint everything before even opening the rulebook. Lesson not learned. #noragrets Amun-Re is a modern classic, but I ended up liking Reiner Knizia's other Egyptian-themed auction game, Ra, more. We're almost done with every case released for Detective: City of Angels, which spans across 4 expansions over the base game. It'll be a dark day when there are no more new little tuck boxes to solve. Also broke out Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time. Several scenarios in and the puzzles are getting pretty damn hard to solve. Harder than the app (obv. since the app lets you pay to win and I pay to win) The latest Kickstarter arrived not too long ago so I need to finish this campaign, or at least get through enough of it, so I can try the new stuff, which is supposed to introduce a lot of new mechanics and potentially better gameplay. And we are 2 chapters from finishing Oathsworn. The kid are devastated at the thought of finishing it. Hah. Now, I'm going to get back to Ascendancy to try and get good enough to play as the Vulcans. Peace.
Dumble about to release new amps...
Phantom Chess Boards are starting to show up in the wild after an initial fulfillment estimate of December 2021 (!). The final product looks fantastic and the manufacturer has been very responsive on their Discord. I contacted Wonder Substance and it looks like I'm slated to receive my order next month. I was close to writing them off, but it looks like our long national nightmare is almost over.
We're still playing a ton, but the end of the year saw us tabling a lot of "oldies." Like Age of Steam. The new maps from the altest Kickstarter have all been great and I really like the production quality Eagle Gryphon continues to commit to this title. The acrylic tiles and the 3rd party train tokens continue to get a lot of use. Here's the Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico map, with the spotted cow cubes which the designer used to paint by hand back when he shopped it around to conventions 20 years ago or so(!), as well as trusty Rust Belt, which we used to ease some new players into AoS. Also Catan 3D, which is apparently discontinued (?), which doesn't bode well for being able to complete the set with a first party 5&6th player expansion. /sadpanda Scythe made another appearance. We haven't played Scythe since finishing Rise of Fenris. Still a great game and it takes me back to when I started this hobby. And, of course, Castle of Burgundy. This game might be a personal top 5 all time game. This has me looking forward to Awaken Realms fullfilling Puerto Rico SE. It PR is half as good as this... Speaking of Awaken Realms, we also played Great Wall again. Got to use all the 3D printed terrain pieces - as if the game needed more bling. Something about seeing elaborate buildings on the board just really do it for me. See what I mean. The best game I own to introduce people to modern board games continues to slay. STILL haven't played Foundations fo Rome with the latest expansions, but we're waiting until everyone at the table has played the game before adding them, which hasn't happened as there's always someone who's playing for the first time. I will eventually reach the point where I've taught everyone in the central Texas area how to play this game and at that point I'll add them all! Another modern classic, Return to Dark Tower, is a similarly great game to play with normies for the simple mechanics, if not for the difficulty. I think I'm finally over 50% win/loss with this game. lol Along the same vein, Isle of Cats is never a bad option. We played with all the expansions and it all played seamlessly. Pictured here though is us playing just the base game (with some KS promos) to re-familiarize ourselves with the game. I forgot to take a pic of the board during the session with all the expansions, unfortunately. But the game we play the most is still Oathsworn. We're at Chapter 17, so not much left before we're done. The kids are talking about putting the last chapters off to prolong the experience, they don't want the game to end - that's how much they dig it. The story remains exceptional. We've started many campaigns, like Gloomhaven and Frosthaven, Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon, and Etherfields, for instance, but this one is one we can't help but continue. Spoilers for those who practice: I did get to play some games for the first time, too. Like Frostpunk. It asks you to do a lot but once you play a round you see how everything just meshes so the gameplay is quite intuitive. I pre-ordered all of Dying Light from Glass Cannon purely on spec from how much we enjoyed Frostpunk. Also played Primal: The Awakening, finally. It's a fantastic boss battler with a campaign (or 7) that, though does not seem as well written or integrated as Oathsworn, has gameplay that's good enough to make up for it. Excelsior
Came here to post the exact same thing. Holy shit is right.
Overkill is exactly where I like to be in relation to kill. Get the 12's.
Yeah. I think there is only one build that can clear T150, atm, Quill Volley, without glitching (if we dont excuse bugged skills, then no build can without glitching). I'm hoping we get some buffs for other classes during the mid-season patch.
Your boy beat the game. If any of you want to power grind some levels, holler when I'm on and I'll run you through hordes or pits. XP comes quick before 220 or so. Intricate#1497
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