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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BoomMF

  1. On 12/30/2020 at 1:26 PM, Buzzrock said:

    That is the perfect amount of flame. Really pretty. 

    This has been a question that has kept me up at night. I'd like to get a cherry burst heirloom Les Paul and have been looking for quite a while for one to jump out (kind of a lie because a shit ton have jumped out), but I'm torn. On the one hand, I want it to look classic which probably means it needs one of those shitty 50's tops. But then, I see one of the newer hyper flamed LP's and think this is what God intended all along.



    Like, if Jesus said he wanted a guitar for his birthday I feel like during Christmas mass the Pope would present the above guitar, and He would see that it is good. I mean, come on, that thing looks like it was grown in a lab by combining Bodacious' semen and maple. 

    But that doesn't completely scratch the insistent heirloom itch. It doesn't even try, really. So that would mean TWO cherry bursts (!) in the collection and I have my limits as to how many fuck you guitars I have hanging on the wall. (I don't think the soul can come back from two cherry burst Les Pauls. If anyone has done any research on that subject please DM me.)

    So if not that, I'm left with plan A and just keep looking for the perfect classic Les Paul. Like this one:


    Look at that gorgeously simple and classy top! THIS is American muscle. You wanna know how we won the war, look at that pic and tell me how we couldn't have.

    Regardless, I will use my Trump Bucks for something foolish, that's a given. What isn't given is can I do without any flames at all or do I need aaaaaall the flames that ever were and ever will be.

    Your boy might not be able to win this one.



    I also came across a quilt...


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  2. BMF, tuners come in at least 3 different ream sizes, so I've never been comfortable ordering a set to replace the robo-shit tubers in my LP Jr; I don't know the size of the holes for the ones on there now. Do you know a set that will drop in? I like the classic greenish tulip ones.

    Seriously, I never play that guitar solely because of that shitty tuning system. I dont ave the patience for it. It takes it forever to find pitch on a few strings and won't let just do it manually. I'd love to start playing that thing.
    I'm not hip on the robos used in Jr's, but Schaller Keystone DR locking tuners are a popular drop-in replacement for the LP Standard robos.

    Some tuning knob retrofit kits come with bushings, though.

    You can remove one of the robo tuning knobs without removing the whole assembly. After that you can caliper the hole and settle it once and for all.

    And I'm surprised to hear you cant tune it manually. The Tronical models in the Standard can be adjusted manually, and in fact can store a bunch of user defined tunings which might REQUIRE manual tuning to set. Double check that you can't tune that badboy by hand.

    As a side note, both of the robos I own tune fast as shit and a damn sight faster than I can do it.

  3. This dude does a pretty good run down of the HP features. He omits a few things like the reduced headstock angle (no more snapping at the bend, knock on wood - but not the wood of the headstock) and the treated frets, but you get the idea.

    And here's one of the prettiest guitars Gibson ever made, but I'm biased.

  4. These HPs, they have robot tuners? Can you change that?
    Most do. They dropped them during the lawsuit, which overlapped the end of HP production by half a year.

    For the ones that do, popping off the robotuners is a matter of unscrewing the 6 posts holding the tuning body in place, and slotting in the 6 replacement tuners of you choice. The Tronicals don't leave any evidence they were installed.

    You will need to add 2 small screws per tuner (I recommend making a pilot hole so you don't split the headstock, which is a possibility. The pilot hole is easy peasy with a pin drill and it's a safe operation.) With pilot holes, it's just a matter of screwing the new tuners down snuggly. Whole shebang should take less than an hour.

    You can sell the G-Force for enough to cover the new tuners AND the pin drill.
  5. That’s glorious. Whadya get whacked for on something like that?
    The sweet spot is around $2k, which is less than half what they streeted for just a few short years ago. The case they come in are $600 by themselves (the rare times you can actually buy one).

    The 2017 is my favorite of the run, with a churched up appearance befitting a model that sits at the top of the line (nowadays you can't tell a Tribute apart from a Standard from across the room), the most dependable Tronical model made, and the move from heavy plastic to metal knobs, but the 2018s are very interesting and unique. They commit the cardinal sin of pushing the Les Paul platform so far that it no longer looks like the guitar your grandpa played. (Insert sarcastic tsk tsk here.) But if you can get past the audacity of a naked pickup switch, pickups without rings, and a burst paint job that's waaaaaay out there for the typically staid LP crowd, the 2018, HP's final hurrah, is by far your best deal at prices that can go sub $2k. That's wig-flippingly crazy for the amount of guitar you get.

    It's a shame that Gibson is not really allowed to evolve their flagship, but the upside is when they do you can find the result for a song on the used market.

    You just have to come to terms with the fact that you're buying a Les Paul Standard with a more refined and modern playing experience, which your typical LP fanatic hates.

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  6. 2017

    HP was Gibson's top of the line, stands for high performance. I think of the line as everything Gibson knows about making guitars jammed in - Plek'd cryogenic treated titanium frets, weight relieved body, Burstbucker Pros, asymmetrical taper neck, rounded heel, tops that'll change your religion, Custom Shop attention to detail, the works.

    But used, since our guitar culture isn't exactly known to embrace progress, you can find these Ferraris for the price of a tricked out Altima.

    They obviously aren't for everyone, and the line ended up like most lines when Gibson or Fender try to bring modern processes into their flagship products, but I see that as an opportunity for players who are open to the idea of things like playing above 19th fret with ease or standing without your lumbar exploding onto the floor behind you.

    RIP HP

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  7. 1 minute ago, markstanco said:

    Some cheapass BMD is suggesting I am sure.  "We can get him for 3 or 4 mill easy!!!"

    That's elbow deep into the bargain bin.

    Gotta hope it's about leverage and not sincere interest. Sarkisian gets announced and me and Tim Crowder are gonna arm the homeless population with pliers and blow torches.

  8. On 11/25/2020 at 2:45 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    I don't understand why so many classical players can't even swing just a little bit.  No groove.  My sis is the same way.

    Reminds me of that Eagles doc (that might have been linked on Shaggy or we might've talked about it elsewhere) where Don Henley, in full view of the orchestra they hired to back a track, turns to the camera and in that exasperated Don Henley way complains that the orchestra can't grasp the concept of "blues" and play with feeling. I always thought, beyond my initial reaction to just assume Henley is habitually being a dick for its own sake, can you imagine if 60 classically taught musicians, who are trained to play in a specific, exact symphonic way, all suddenly try and "feel" the music instead? Probably gonna sound like cats fucking. What do you really want, Don? Go get a big band, dude, not the Philharmonic.

    Whatevs, here's a cool version of I'm On Fire. I'm hesitant to call it better as this one of the few Springsteen songs I really dig. (All my favorite Springsteen songs are sung by Huey Lewis and the News loo) But the Springsteen video for this song is straight bullshit. Carson McKee has a great feel and it warms my ever aging heart kids today can appreciate these old jams on a seemingly personal level:


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  9. 2 hours ago, Rollo Tomassi said:

    Thanks guys.  His guitar playing has been mostly classic rock stuff.  For some reason, he's a big Grateful Dead fan.  I understand that a strat is more versatile than a tele, but don't really understand why.  Is it the extra pickup?  What types of music would one prefer a tele versus a strat?  Sorry for all the questions.

    Careful with the tele route. If he's a Jerry Garcia fan, that dude was about as progressive as it gets when it comes to his guitar - a Telecaster is a blunt utilitarian product of the Cold War, and that's an entirely different charm than what Garcia went for. If you want him to stay engaged, that might mean finding something that will inspire him on a level beyond simple tone.

    Disregard the above if he has like a shit load of 40-something friends he wants to impress. In that case, Telecaster would be perfect.

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  10. Dear Diary,

    The family started the 5E Humblewood campaign after finishing Lost Mine of Phandelver and I think they are sufficiently hooked on D&D.

    I'm not using Fantasy Grounds for this (and I'm itching to try 4.0 for a campaign!) since there is no Humblewood FG module (though there is one in Roll20, but alas), so I'm going to be doing more theater of the mind for this one and see how they like it. My inclination is that they'll like it a lot.

    I'll report back.


    Just look at those cute heroes. 


  11. Marvel Champions has been my first LCG. I can see how these things become a problem. Between monthly releases and Etsy, it can get out of hand pretty damn quick.

    I can only imagine how this will be when they start producing decks for heroes and villains I actually give a damn about...




    Been playing this solo game, too. Everything Lost is a very small production run (200 copies) zombie apocalypse survival game out of the Netherlands that uses a very clever action card system. It drips with theme and each of four chapters in the campaign plays in about 45 minutes.




    If you have a change to play Pax Pamir, especially the 2nd edition, you should. If you like contentious multi-player tableau-builders with many opportunities to flip the board, it'll be up your alley. The designer, Cole Wehrle of Root fame and a Lifetime Longhorn, took a lot of time to include painstaking historical detail. Things like the zero sum nature of the economy of the time (19th century Afganistan) is reflected in the economy of the game. I enjoy reading the factoids about the historical figures as much as I like using them to assassinate a character in a rival player's court. Neat stuff!




    And for more family fun, Calico is a cat-themed game that plays like trying to solve about 7 different puzzles at one time. It's easy to learn, difficult to master. The only interaction is possibly taking a tile from the market that someone else might want - so it's a great game if you want to keep it PG.




    Also played a bit of Smartphone KS Edition which feels like a more simple Food Chain Magnate. But, unlike FCM, it isn't murder on the eyes.




    And I introduced Raiders of the North Sea to the in-laws. We played with all the expansions and a great time was had by all. Side note: The official neoprene mat is the most vibrant neoprene play surface of any I've seen, period. It's on sale right now in the Garphill store if you're interested.




    One of our favorite genres is whodunnits. We're going through the base game of Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game and after finishing the base cases in Detective: City of Angels we've started the first expansion Bullets Over Hollywood, with the expansion that just came out, Smoke and Mirrors, waiting on the shelf. 






    And now, dear reader, you are pretty much caught up.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Great vid. Couldn't find a better host for that than Marty Stewart, imo. But they couldn't tell that dude who played Randy Travis' guitar to take off his jewelry? That stuff scratches like no other. Hearing it clang on the body of the guitar was traumatizing.

    Side note, The War and Treaty were just on ACL. They killed it, apparently. Should air this weekend.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Never let it be said that Boom ever shyed away from defending the veracity of obvious sarcasm.

    You can install Reaper for free and fix drum mis-hits on day 1. By day 3 you'll be fixing bad notes in your guitar solo. Give it a couple of months and you can join the army of guitar "virtuosos" on YouTube who produce petabytes of sticky sweet error-free guitar playing. Rando chick in pajamas singing on her bed historically didn't have a cheap way to do the same. Now chicks in pajamas singing on their beds can. Democratization son.

    We haven't had "as played" pop music for decades now.

    You can disagree and think this is different and AutoTune is an affront to real musicianship, but you're going to just be arguing degrees.

    And "since the dawn of time" was clearly a reference to the cave paintings in Southern France depicting a Neanderthal music producer cheating like a motherfucker with a tape splicer.

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