I'm an everything guy! And I take exception to your assertion that being in tune is not rock & roll. (I dig Bigsbys, too. But I'd treat them like everyone else in the pics quoted above - a diversion to break the monotony. Like, if I woke up one day with a pressing need to complicate my hobby with uncertainty and whimsical fiddlyness. But, when it's business time, also like the dudes above, I'm picking up a different guitar... Yeah, yeah, Neil Young. A Bigsby is Neil Young af. Have fun finding a pic of him actually using it. Similarly, I'd imagine Jack White would also latch onto a Bigsby too, if only guitars sold at Sears ever had them. He's like Neil, his brand is just as much about being different as it is about music.) It looks like someone, in a fit of anger, bolted a large gardening tool to the side of a Les Paul that's done nothing to deserve such treatment - and what was once classic and perfect is no more.