His longest tenured backline consisted of two vintage Silver Jubilees.
I mean, come on.
There aren't many shows these days where you can show up and the dude on guitar is slinging, on a slow day, half a mil of irreplaceable maple and mahogany. That's just cool to me, regardless of the music. Like, I would pay a reasonable amount of cash to walk into a museum and just look at a '59. If it's going to also make sound, that's just icing.
I think I've linked this one before, or maybe one of the reaction videos to it, but if you listen to this and aren't taken by the power, maybe it's not Bonamassa who's without soul.
And John Mayer? You're disqualified from a guitar culture conversation where Bonamassa is being categorized as being a blues lawyer with mojo-less tone if your signature guitar is a PRS. GTFOH [#sarcasm]
(caveat: John Mayer is a guitar god. One of the last remaining still putting out relevant music. But Mayer/Bonamassa isn't either/or and it should never be..)