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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. Analogman just updated their King of Tone waitlist to include everyone who got in on or before November 2, 2016. I'm November 3, 2016. This is devastating.
  2. Doing the Lord's work, Grandioso.
  3. Guitar fail videos is a favorite YouTube rabbit hole of mine. 80% are spins gone awry. I love'em all. (I have never spun my guitar and will never spin my guitar, I just dig the small cost insurance you get with them.)
  4. Putting Schallers on a guitar is the first thing I do when I get a new one. I like spinning the guitar so that it orbits me, so strap locks are a must.
  5. Lombardo has a Secretariat sized heart. It's the only explanation.
  6. Why gold top instead of a modern miracle? 3k will get you a killer used late model Les Paul Standard High Performance, with a chunk of change left over. There's a 2018 HP in heritage cherry fade on eBay right now from Sam Ash, or something, for $2300, complete with crazy aluminum HSC. It can do gold top until the cow's come home. Unless this is one of those the-heart-wants-what-the-heart-wants kind of things. In which case, rock on cause I know you have to scratch that itch or it will fester.
  7. All of those Ibanez shredders speak to my inner high schooler, and I'm liking what they are saying.
  8. $6k for a nice one, $8k for a REALLY nice one.
  9. Great clip, JJ. Thanks for sharing.
  10. User name does not check out.
  11. Why didn't anyone tell me this was a thing? We're supposed to be looking out for each other. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F233033524654
  12. If I catch you on I can drag you through a couple of rifts. One rift is good for 0-lvl46. It plateaus hard, but can get you to 70 in about 2 hours.
  13. Looks like a very fast shoe.
  14. I should be back tonight, so I'll be available to blow some shit up. I have to warn you though, I'm kind of a big deal.
  15. BoomMF


    Picked up Fantasy Grounds Ultimate and the D&D Essentials Bundle. Now to find time to figure any of it out.
  16. Couldn't care less whether the NCAA enforces the rules or not.
  17. I don't give a shit about winning if it means cheating.
  18. BoomMF


    Nerd drama! And SJW stuff thrown in for good measure...
  19. BoomMF


    Fantasy Grounds is currently on sale, 25% off. Modules, too.
  20. Do it. We'll rip a hole through the underworld. Add me: Rainmaykr
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