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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. This seems like the entirely wrong climate for Lindsey's Lindsey-ness to come out in the general public. His treatment of Stevie for the past 40 years, right up to recently, is going to place him on the Mount Rushmore of musical shitheads. It's Henley-level asshatery and he's largely gotten away with it. That might've come to an end the moment he filed the lawsuit.
  2. I thought this was a humorous story, especially once you get to the attribution line. (From the origination story of the 1960 Fender Showman 6G14 taken from Amped.) (Side note: this book is the titties.)
  3. Make that drive, imo. Provenance and stuff.
  4. I remember when he was a teenager. Geez.
  5. PSA: Amazon currently has a copy of Amped: An Illustrated History of the World's Greatest Amplifiers by Dave Hunter used for $166. This is the first time in about a year the book has been available for under $250. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0760339724/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_GrzYBb0Q6GDXV It's not a technical deep dive but it's filled with a ton of great pics and stories involving the amps that have changed music, starting from early Rickenbacker, Masco, and Fender all the way to Soldano, Dr. Z and Matchless. It's quite a difficult to find book and something of a cult classic. This is as cheap as I've ever seen it on any platform.
  6. Damn, that book brings back memories.
  7. He did eventually bust out his trusty LP that he's been using for years. (Dude's only 19 so that a significant portion of his career!)
  8. You cats might dig this. At the show last night, homeboy walks out into the crowd and jams, then walks into the street, then back up on stage. People were going crazy. He encored with Purple Rain (which I might upload as well) and the crowd was all into it singing along. If you dig blues or want to see what the younger generation is doing with it, check Kingfish out. He might give you hope for the future of our species.
  9. Kingfish was tonight. He wasn't playing a Les Paul like he normally does, but a fiesta red Strat. He's obviously on a blues journey that will ultimately end like these journeys usually do, with a maple necked Strat. Rosewood is just a Les Paul player's gateway neck. He ended the show with a Texas/OU prediction.
  10. I asked if anyone wanted to meet up there this year but everyone was like fuck no. Johnny Hiland was just walking around chatting with everyone. I got close and tried to absorb some of his energy. He was all, "the fuck you so close for?"
  11. Walked into Westwood Music about an hour ago and John McVie was finishing up at the counter and walked out with a Collings acoustic of the dreadnaught variety. Now you know some fresh guitar gossip.
  12. My spot is due up next month. These are exciting times we are living in.
  13. I don't have it. I just think it's funny what the internet is doing today. Side note, the Metal Zone has been experiencing a renaissance lately, even before the Waza version announcement by Boss, due in no small part to the Ola Englund video. Don't be surprised to see a Hallmark movie about how the MT-2 rose from the depths of internet scorn to golden child and savior of all humanity.
  14. The world will be remembered in terms of before Waza Craft Metal Zone and after Waza Craft Metal Zone.
  15. Tapa opens up the site built in image hosting, making it easy to add images from your phone (like this post)... ...but difficult to order them between text. (I won't even try to do it with this post, but you can publish the image laden post, then edit it and you'll see some embed code that you can then organize as you see fit. Hurry, you have 5 minutes!) I use direct linking to DropBox when not on Tapa. Not an image hosting site, per se, but direct links just fine and free with enough space for a dump load of pics. Dig that Flying V2! '54 Strat refines, too! Want a '55 Bassman? Or maybe a Custom Shop Deville IV for $9.5k? I'm farting around L.A. waiting for a show on Friday, recommend me something to do or see. Can be music related, but I dig just about everything.
  16. I have a strat I've had since middle school, back when it was called junior high. Apart from grime, the thing looks factory fresh. I look at it all the time wishing I had been less mindful of taking care of it so it would look cooler. Jk, imma just buy a relic and treat it like the last baby black rhino on the planet too.
  17. Doing my part, generating recruiting mojo over here (cause we own this town now and I can do what I want).
  18. Metallica posters and ESP guitars - I feel this person on a spiritual level.
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