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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. Kingfish was at Antone's tonight (dammit). Did anyone go?
  2. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273367331767
  3. We've been trending to have another unanimous GOAT.
  4. For so much of my life, Hendrix was considered, almost unanimously, the GOAT. It doesn't feel like it's still that way.
  5. BoomMF

    AXS TV

    This is the go-to when nothing else is on. Just set it and let it roll.
  6. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    The box doesn't fit into a Kallax unit. What kind of twisted sociopath designs an LP box that doesn't fit into a Kallax?!?!
  7. That's about exactly how I think of him - a conduit. And it doesn't matter the gear or the talent, you can't duplicate him. The best have tried, none have succeeded.
  8. Recently found out that his fro was a wig. I was devastated.
  9. Listen to Family Style and tell me Stevie wasn't deferring to his older brother the entire time. Dude was a treasure of a man.
  10. Stevie did less pretty damn well too. Especially when he was dueting with guitar's elder statesmen, like Albert King, or when he felt he wasn't the feature, like in ensemble jams. Dude would throttle way back. Classiest guy you'll ever come across. But to you greater point, I never felt like Stevie's music was notey or excessive, especially his later work like In Step. That stuff was just straight lean meat, not an ounce of fat. (I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, but I've been hitting the bar a bit and that makes my very opinion.)
  11. I think you and Stevie are the only two people with that opinion, and Stevie is RIP.
  12. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    Yeah, the Super Deluxes are quite collectable. I found this one for $60, thanks to the box which is scotch tape repaired. The stuff inside was minty, luckily. I'm not spending the $100+ per to fill out the collection, but if I come across some deals I'll snatch them up with a quickness.
  13. Lots of David Allan Coe stuff in here. Fuck that dude.
  14. Never considered him an elite drummer, but just read his autobiography a few months ago and dude has some great stories. If you dig him, check his book out. It's a cool recounting from a guy who's been at ground zero for some very important and influential moments and bands.
  15. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    This came in today. Led Zeppelin II Super Deluxe Box, with 2 LPs (look unplayed), 2 CDs (unopened), numbered lithograph, and hardbound book. The book is mostly Zep II era pics, which is cool cause who wants to read. Tons of great behind the scenes making of pics, neat things like the receipt for studio time (love this kinda stuff), marketing materials, and tons of concert pics. Great stuff. I need to find Super Deluxes of the rest of the first 4 albums and Houses of the Holy.
  16. Keith Moon is the greatest drummer that I would not want in my band.
  17. So according to the AAS story, the Twitter rant basically proved the coaches right.
  18. Beginning to feel the same general feeling about the Strong era recruits as I was about the late Mack era recruits - Glad to be putting distance between them and the program.
  19. 1. To crush your enemies 2. To see them driven before you 3. To hear the lamentations of their women 4. To have more guitars than you can play
  20. They were both there as of 2 hours ago. Might be very new arrivals.
  21. South Austin Guitar Center has a Princeton RI for $500 and a Princeton Custom for $600. That RI is a killer deal.
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