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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BoomMF

  1. 41 minutes ago, ohchaucer said:

    Steve Gadd, number one with a bullet (for me)

    Manu Katche

    Vinny Coliuata

    Jeff Porcaro

    Bernard Purdie

    Bernard Purdie AND the dude who lifted his beats.  That's my kind of humor.  Respect.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, markstanco said:

    He had an excellent voice awesome songwriting skills. 

    I think ANY pop musician is going to be at a significant disadvantage in a comparison like this against masters from other genres less constrained by commercial concerns.  Genius needs breathing room.  You don't get that with pop.

    I doubt anyone from pop would really make this list.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Sejjr said:

    McCoy is unlikely, but I will wait until after the USC game to write him off completely. We beat USC, and he has a great official visit, and our chances go up.

    I doubt that matters all that much for purposes of recruiting someone favoring the losing school.  A competitor could just as easily think that he could come in and help fix things.

  4. The Tower of Power is complete.

    The Alpha (JTM45) and the Omega (Astoria).  The amp that started it all (and still a wonder) and the amps that contain everything Marshall learned in the intervening 60 years.



    I added a THD Hot Plate to the Twin Reverb, too, because I don't play in a stadium.  (The Twin and the Fenders on the right are spaced out a bit more since this photo.)


    I'm running out of room, fam.

    the last thing on my list is to move the Super Champ into my son's room, and replace it with a Deluxe of some flavor.  Turns out Sweetwater had some Stage 2 Rivera models made of the Custom Deluxe but are currently and indefinitely unavailable.  They come up from time to time on Reverb, but at collector pricing.  It'd be nice to cap the collection off with something like that. Otherwise, maybe an Alessandro or even a stock Custom. It probably depends on how good a deal I find on one or the other the quickest.

    Then I'm done!


    • Like 4
  5. All this MOFI talk and this jam of jams arrived today:




    MFSL used to be nails, but I've heard no-so-good things about the latest incarnation of the company.  Not all new releases are created equal apparently.

    • Like 1

  6. When the fuck has Jimbo ever been known as an elite evaluator? His entire MO at FSU was to out recurit the rest of ACC and then beat them into submission with a huge talent deficit. Really it was similar to Mack Brown during the 00s, once a crack in the talent appeared the whole program collapsed.

    It's like you've never met an aggy.
    • Like 3

  7. And that automatic tuner On that LP Jr is garbage, no wonder everybody hates it. It does get the guitar in tune, but takes twice as long as if I did myself. In fact, one of the reasons I don't pick it up more is because I don't have the patience to wait for it. Otherwise it's an unbelievably fun guitar to play.

    My favorite part of the laborious restringing process on the robotuner is when the battery dies halfway through and I get to take a 2 hour break.

    I really like the Tronical tuner otherwise (I passed on buying a 2018 HP recently because homeboy removed the auto-tuner, replaced it with Grovers, but no longer has the robotuner to include. No gracias.) but restringing isn't the reason for the season.
  8. After all the stuff this dude has heard for the first time, I am curious as to what he still listens to.
    His schtick, along with most of those channels, is that he was raised on hip-hop and that's the extent of his familiarity. His metal and blues reactions are entertaining.

    Best of this subgenre is Lost In Vegas, imo. They mostly do metal, but have moved to country as well. Their Chris Stapleton Tennessee Whiskey reaction is pretty entertaining. ("I feel like somebody black should have told me about this song!")
  9. Their shows are lewd and hilarious af. Always surprises me when I see kids in the audience. And there are always kids in the audience.

    Saw them at the Whiskey two years ago or something. Had a blast. Satchel is a fun guitarist with some respectable chops.

    But even I winced at that Toneprint announcement. Lol

  10. The prevailing thought is that the internet was invented to watch black people react to music:


    Edited to add:  It's pr0n because that's The Beast homeboy is playing.  Also, it's not.  I'm pretty sure it's a run-of-the-mill 1959 $450k Les Paul.

    • Like 1
  11. Marshall is in such a weird place right now.  The top brass has cleaned house and much of the talent that created Marshall's winners over the past decade are now gone, including the aforementioned Steve Dawson.  There is considerable scuttlebutt that Marshall has no plans to reissue any of their 100W catalog and there are currently no new designs on the launchpad.  Origin may represent the the new era of wholly new yet tonally derivative low-wattage amps.  Gone is the handwired line.  The Custom Shop, small that it was, is shuttered.

    We might not see a new amp launch for at least a few years, including, and perhaps especially, reissues.  Maybe longer.

    The Astoria seems to mark the end of the Jim Marshall era proper.  If so, it went out with a bang... and a whimper.  Astoria was the last project he greenlit, the last project to get his complete support, the last project to be given carte blanche, but a project that didn't become fully realized until after his death.  That's important because some of the late decisions, were made by accountants, which would not have happened with regards to the Astoria project had Jim been alive.  Luckily, Astoria was too far along for the accountants to dramatically affect the line and in its final form Astoria retains most of the high end design, materials, and build as was originally intended.  The marketing, probably the aspect most responsible for the line's failure, was all handled post-JM.  He would not have allowed that to happen the way it did.

    These next few years are going to be interesting as we see how the new post-JM Marshall leadership position themselves in the marketplace.  The early returns look like a dramatically different company.

    That said, the Origin line looks like a winner, top to bottom.  There have been many complaints of knob crackle and distortion, which seem to imply a lower QC commitment, but it's still early and the Origin line have been selling briskly.

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