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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. He crushed it. Also, Petrucci's Purple Rain (in case it hasn't already been discussed ad nauseam. I forget which boards did what.). Edit: Aqui
  2. This thread should have a Frog Leap exemption because Leo's stuff is like 9 times out of 10 better than the original. Otherwise would just be pages and pages of his covers.
  3. Nah, just giving you a hard time on that Purple Rain, which neuters the bejeezus out of it. Dwight kills Suspicious Minds, everything else is just good fun.
  4. It wasn't until this thread that I found out that rock songs even have lyrics.
  5. The highlight of my Paris trip was visiting Pere Lachaise cemetery. So many illuminaries are buried there - Chopin, Rossinni, Gericault, Oscar Wilde, De Balzac, etc. - But you can easily find Morrison because the biggest crowd will be gathered around his grave. Biggest by a long shot.
  6. Used C-class is the official car of the everyman.
  7. Bird by Clint Eastwood is a good watch, too.
  8. If I could visit anywhere in time under any circumstance, second on my list of destinations is 1940s Harlem and New York. I would just lazily walk from club to club taking in the greats as easy as sitting down at a table. There is no way that just being alive then and there wouldn't fill you with an electricity. Would love to visit if for just a little bit.
  9. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    Someone needs to find a video of Bonham doing Four Sticks.
  10. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    It's a great book from a unique perspective. Enjoy!
  11. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    They are not as good as LZ. So what now? Is there room in your heart for a band that's not as good as LZ or nah?
  12. I'm normally the MVP of my Trivial Pursuit teams (I have sports knowledge. Nerds rarely have sports knowledge.). I'm probably a genius, I don't know. But, this app eats my lunch. I go 3 and out vs number 1 contributor at something like a 20 to 1 clip. Fun though.
  13. BoomMF

    Led Zeppelin

    I linked that video because Deej was depressed about the state of music kids are putting out. Just trying to show a possibly suicidal brother that there is still a spark and the world might yet be worth saving. But, yeah, you should definately temper your appreciation for this little bit of rock because they aren't The Zep, a group composed of 4 of the greatest musicians on their respective instruments and/or mixing desk. Also, ditto on Chris Stapleton. Obviously. Perro, por que no los dos?
  14. Full disclosure, I posted that pic from my phone. Seeing now all blown up and shit on my computer screen, things that once were fit are not as clear cut. Still Team Thomas, though. So you can put that fear to rest.
  15. Team Thomas, and she's held up CONSIDERABLY better. But, yeah, we all win.
  16. I don't even have to click: Epiphone and DSL40C.
  17. Tigol, Can you make your way to something like this? https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ORI5Cd--marshall-origin-ori5c-5-watt-1x8-inch-tube-combo-amp Sweetwater has a demo available for $400. I think the smart play is a Katana, but I don't know how your husband feels about solid state. I imagine it won't excite him like playing through a tube amp as God intended. If he's big on Slash, having an amp with a Marshall logo on it might also give him the warm and fuzzies when he's trying for the umpteenth time to nail Sweet Child O Mine (I kid because I care). Any excuse to keep practicing and playing is a worthy excuse. (Side note: The Katana will wipe the floor with an Origin, and all the other amps here suggested, in everything but cool factor. But if he's a straight male he'll probably flip out opening a Marshall box. You will be a hero with the Origin and he'll get a great amp.) That used Les Paul Studio you linked would be perfect, imo, apart from the paint job. An Epiphone in a burst would be my second choice. But with that budget, you should be able to steal a Gibson. EDIT: How did I miss the Edwards Les Paul Superhero posted! Mmmm tasty. All you would need is a comically large tophat. ANOTHER EDIT: Dur, you already have the amp covered. Congrats. It might help if I read the WHOLE thread before I jump in, guns blazing. But is that how you're supposed to internet? I think not.
  18. A PRS plugged into a Vox amp is about as un-Slash as you can get.
  19. Second piece of shocking news in this thread.
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