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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BoomMF

  1. I've been looking for a MAME project to go in the living room.  I have an OG Mortal Kombat coin-op there now, but I've been thinking about replacing the board with one of those multi Jamma systems (600+ games on one Jamma board).  But I might just go full out and do a proper MAME setup.  I doubt it'll be Raspberry driven, but it might be considering how that platform is coming along.

  2. Yeah, the Tweaker is a great amp.  Very popular too.  Lots of bang for your buck.  I just saw this review like last week! (GMTA)



    Was interested after playing the 40 watter at the guitar show in Dallas last month.

  3. Novoselic was probably Kurt's sedative before Kurt could afford the good stuff.  His importance will probably always be underrated because of his perceived musical input and the fact that his bass catching skills weren't on point.


    EDIT: My memory was back when Ebaum's World had like 20 or so videos, this was one of them:


  4. Also, do you not consider Nirvana to have, among several different ancestors, a punk lineage? Are they not in that family tree? They pull from a number of genres, but certainly punk is one of them. (Nirvana seem to take a hard rock and punk ethos and meld it with Beatles pop melodic sensibilities. But punk is definately in the brew.)





  5. I'm curious as to what a clear successor means to you. My first blush response is that none of the few bands ahead of Nirvana on the all time list had successors in the way I think that word is defined. They, all the bands on the GOAT short list, were one-off moments in time that crystallized a musical generation with no obvious replacement, evolved or otherwise.

  6. my dad saw Elvis perform at the opening of a feed store in Carthage, Tx.
    I was JUST at the Louisiana Hayride museum in Shreveport, but it was called something else, so this doesn't really hit that close to home but kinda does.
  7. Every single band listed pales in comparison to the top rock bands before 1985. I never realized that. Some may disagree. That’s okay. You are entitled to your wrong opinion.
    Nirvana may be top 5 all time. Had doofus not shot himself and they put a few more albums under their belt (in my dream scenario they tap Grohl's as yet undiscovered song writing talent) they'd be a lock.

    Pales in comparison might be little strong. And by little I mean a lot.
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