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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. I'll get into it this week and see. There is a common reversible mod on the red channel (clipping off the c19 cap) that opens it up a fair bit. Played with the clean channel a bit this morning and it has that Marshall DNA but still very much a DSL (low volume isn't going to knock your socks off and the bass could use some punch). Driven at volume it comes alive and is a very usable foundation for the pedals I want to pump through it. I think the speaker swap will get me 90% of the way there. We'll see.
  2. That's their right. Freddie can sing circles around both those dudes, especially Jagger, and brings equal levels of on-stage panache. Yeah, Plant in his prime is the only other dude that I think can challenge for A1. Dude was force of nature and had arguably a more marketable look. But Mercury checks ALL the boxes. And he doesn't just check some of those boxes, he's the king of some of those boxes.
  3. Geez. That intro tone is butter af. Completely unrelated to butter, I brought that DSL40C Vintage home: I've wanted to add a DSL40C to the family since playing with a friend's, but after getting the Katana the urgency to get a beater on this side of the tone spectrum wasn't all that high. I stopped by the Guitar Center up north, as I am wont to do, and they had this dude hiding away from the used section under the Gibson display. The Vintage Limited Edition is pretty hard to come by, but despite being only an appearance difference, I'm a sucker for limited editions. My plan is to drop a Celestion Vintage 30 into it for a start. Here's an updated shot of the boys: Excelsior.
  4. Mercury is the A1 standard for rock front men imo. In the group that despite technical deficiencies should be considered for inclusion in an all-time super group is Roth. Morrison is in that same subset.
  5. Boss DS-1 Appreciation Club, holla!
  6. Same. Also, Time Machine is an underrated disc(s).
  7. Before the conversation moves away from Bonamassa, the greatest living guitarist of this or any generation, check out this video of straight unadulterated pr0n: http://youtu.be/ctx86V-GI8A Those tweeds tho. Also, Tapa can kiss my ass.
  8. Sounds like your crew needs to be introduced to Mr. Marshall.
  9. How's that Edwards working out for you?
  10. He absolutely has to self promote.
  11. Did you see the DSL40C Vintage there? I might pick that up tomorrow.
  12. The player piano thing is spot on for me. He doesn't have the soul that I appreciate in most of the slingers I really get into, but I really dig his technicality and that's enough for me to enjoy the few jaunts I've taken into his studio albums. I don't find EJ soulful, but his precision captivates me. Petrucci too, only less so. Bonamassa is the type of gear nerd and historian that I hope gets enough support to keep the fire alive. It's a service to us all. He appears to get that support. His live shows, however, look like guitar worship - I can get behind that.
  13. The Shhh with the Hook'em works for me.
  14. As it should be. That little dude is a gift to Longhorns the world over.
  15. That sequence had a very prequels uselessness vibe to it.
  16. It comes with Meet and Greet access, too. You can talk to him and try to nail down his complicated relationship with pedals. Lewl. Speaking of, anyone want to go check out either his Sugar Land or Austin show next month? Gear junkies should support gear junkies.
  17. I agree. Reading more about it, it might be the one amp to rule them all. It's basically everything Fender knows about making amps covered in a beautifully aged wrapper. At this point Fender's Custom Shop are the preeminent relic artists, absolute witches with that stuff, and by the looks of this amp they've brought that expertise to the amp side. I hope Marshall jumps on board because it's the only thing some of their reissues are missing. A relic'd KT66 based amp would be bonerjams.
  18. We made it 113 posts before someone brought up Avatar in a discussion about great movies on a public forum. That gives me a glimmer of hope for the future.
  19. BoomMF

    One X

    You have a lot to choose from. Check out the "Enhanced for One X" section in the store.
  20. Who wore it better? Layne Staley wore it better.
  21. Not guitar pr0n, but had to share. Here's a Cuban guitarist hearing SRV for the first time.
  22. Wreck-it Raph lookin motherfucker.
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