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  1. Sooo…anything planned for Arkansas?
  2. Nah, the alleged racist Daniel Figurelli would never do that
  3. My son has played select since 12U - one thing you will quickly learn is that there is no loyalty. Kids constantly wanting to chase “better” teams based on records. My son has played for Boom, Tier 1 (now USA Prime), Lonestar amd now Texas Senators. A lot of options, so find a team that has practices that are convenient for your family. I would rank the overall experience we’ve had as: Lonestar being the top (coaching, good practice fields, communication and good value) Senators 2nd (very similar to Lonestar in all aspects but more expensive) USA Prime 3rd (great coaching but just didn’t have good teams at the age level, poor practice field) Boom - would not recommend From my observations, I wouldn’t want my son playing for Canes (Coaches are mostly a-holes that scream at the kids and I’ve seen a few get kicked out of games). Phenom I’ve heard mixed reviews on. Lake Travis Outlaws as well. Wings, TRPD, THZ seem to be other good options. Agree with BrazilHorn, that age group the Sun Devils are very talented, making that Team will be a challenge. Practices might be far south since they are based out of Driftwood. Enjoy All Stars, my son and BrazilHorn Jr. played together, great experience.
  4. https://www.austinselectbaseball.com/austin List of Austin tournaments - you can click on the tournament names to see the PG schedules/locations by age group.
  5. Honestly it moves around quite a bit. Field of Dreams in Henly (just west of Dripping Springs) is frequent, as is Kyle. Round Rock, Taylor, Manor are other places for that age group. Worst case is Temple or Burnet if you are staying in Austin. I would recommend holding off on the hotel until they release the venue/schedule, which is typically Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. There aren’t any venues in Austin proper for that age group.
  6. Who the fuck works this week? Texas State grads
  7. 6figs heard it from the port-a-potty near the deer blind.
  8. There are quite a few select coaches that are over the top win at all costs type. Don’t understand how the parents let them scream at their kids and shout them down in front of everyone over minor mistakes, rather than teaching them the right way in a positive manner. Played a Canes team yesterday where the coach was like that - overly intense, mistakes made were life & death…trips to the mound he would be pointing demonstrably at a kid the entire walk, then chewing them out once he got there. Same coach had the game called 8 minutes early to help their seed (our team was up 3, but we had the bases loaded with no outs, so he had it called to prevent more runs from scoring. He could have tried to get out of the inning quickly and we had time for another inning.) We’ve been lucky to have very good, positive coaches for all but one season. The season that went awry the coach was not retained but it was too late - all but 2 of the kids changed teams.
  9. The Pflugerville fields are pretty terrible, especially for the catchers. They’ll adapt. We hit Brotherton’s BBQ between games last weekend, good spot. I’ll have to try the coffee shop out.
  10. Looks like our boys are playing each other on Saturday. Let’s hope we go more than 1 inning….tell ‘em to go easy on us!
  11. But is he divorced yet?
  12. Chili’s on 45th and Lamar for the best comfort food. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/why-is-the-chilis-at-45th-and-north-lamar-famous-online/
  13. Why not both? Little league games are typically during the week while select tournaments are on the weekend. My son did that for 2 seasons…double the fun!
  14. I’ve saved about 10% buying in SA vs Austin over the years with multiple cars.
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