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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by turtlepond

  1. Starting to wonder? The fuck? These $9.95 ers don’t know JACK SHIT.
  2. Castiglione, even with a supposedly empty coffer, still pulled that together damned quick.
  3. ousux Wiki page listing Venables as new HC, fwiw 🙂
  4. Good point. That said, recruiting to Red Stick takes absolutely zero effort, while Arkansas seems like a BIT more work. I don’t want to see what he could do with Louisiana talent…
  5. Has there been any chatter of Sam Pittman getting some eyes on him from ou or LSU? That guy seems like he’d be trouble anywhere other than Arkansas
  6. It may be taboo at this juncture, but, any pending commitment news? Or, is it bloodletting time for coaching staff and players destined for the portal?
  7. I want to believe…how do I send my $9.95, please, sir? Good day
  8. I meant to ask if it was a different campus he was attending, or if it was online, but he had clients arriving and had to cut the conversation short. I’ll ask him when he’s back in the office tomorrow, if he’s not traveling
  9. Just hearsay, but coworker’s son plays at Frisco Liberty. I asked my coworker today, and his son said Stewart is for sure committed to aggy, fwiw. I think it’s safe to assume that’s correct, and move on. Also, apparently Stewart is in an “alternative schooling program”, and coworker still insists that failed drug tests were the primary reason he was kicked off the team. Don’t shoot the messenger…
  10. Does that change trajectory, at all, with regard to Stewart? I assume not? I’ll go slam my head in the car door now…
  11. Not sure if you’re saying good “football things” are coming, or your dealer is bringing over more of that badass psylocybin that helped you out with that dream you had last night 🙂
  12. It’s not just Texas entering SEC play that has them dropping bags left and right. They’ve also got to make sure they get ROI on Jumbo Baggins’ contract/extension. They’ve been doing it out in the open since he landed there, and nobody cares as long as he starts winning
  13. Oh, that’s the 20_____ National Champion Head Coach, didn’t you know?
  14. I think that can be applied to most any thread. He’s as reliable to piss on Texas as the sun rising in the East each morning.
  15. Is the bag game as important to those in the portal as it is for top-tier HS recruits? Or, are they more interested in starting lineups and maximizing field time?
  16. I’m still new here… can anyone point me to the recruiting thread?
  17. A litmus test could be used to confirm who should be seated in the SEZ…for instance, if you can answer who Ron McKelvey was, then you’re good to go. If you have a ranch hand on your Range Rover, but live in HP, then no dice…
  18. SEC stadiums have hedges. Why not just plant our hedges in those seat locations? It’s not like they’re going to be used any time soon. C’mon, CDC, make it happen:-)
  19. Again, I disagree. There’s no coaching that can fix some of the ineptitude in our secondary. They’re not not good athletes. You can’t coach instinct, and our defense is proof, sadly
  20. I may be new here, but I don’t think that’s a good take. Would a single defender on our roster start for OSU?
  21. So which, if any, of the recruits at the game today are still interested in committing? Not being snarky, and leaving my own level of pessimism to myself— honestly asking
  22. I got roasted earlier today when I suggested the ou loss could be the first of four. Watch out for your bunghole, dude…
  23. Was last week the start of the rare “don’t let one loss beat you 3, or 4 times”?
  24. I nominate Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere” for the Surly theme song
  25. To be fair, Texans are fat. Alabamans/Mississippians, Cajuns are the real obese ones.
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