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Kyrie Eleison

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  1. still around...beyond busy and reshuffled priorities.
  2. banque a poignet hits with more class and sophistication…
  3. you forgot retirement benefits/pension protections and workplace safety. OSHA doesn’t exist without strong union lobbying for those protections, neither does the Jones Act.
  4. in the 25 yrs I’ve known bozo, he’s never once wavered on this insight. and as someone who grew up in solidly blue, union heavy, labor Democrat stronghold, i bear witness to that constituency being left behind over the last few decades by the current iteration of the Democratic Party. fucking hell, i never dreamed of the day that Jefferson county would turn red for myriad reasons, yet here we are. all because the historical party advocates and protectors of labor simply walked away. so yeah…bozo was prophetically spot on then as well as now.
  5. huh. right up there with this...
  6. i wish some prominent Dem would tell Trump supporters to eat shit. i'd set up a food truck immediately and serve nothing but heaping plates of steaming dog shit, cat shit, baboon shit, orangutan shit (we have a local zoo so i'd get paid to shovel it and turn profit on it)...all kinds of shit, whatever shit they wanted to eat to troll the Dems, i'd sell it to 'em. heaping plates of it.
  7. in 8 days we’re all going to be very thankful for the 19th Amendment.
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