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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. Elon sent this to his biographer last night. i gotta give Zuckerberg a bit of credit here with the “stop talking shit and then weaseling around…put up or shut up.” I think Zuck lights him up.
  2. Skeletor's gonna attack you with his fun gun...and film it!
  3. scroll the thread for a string of chucklefucks who are big mad...
  4. already got my churchin’ in today…
  5. we go to SF every chance we get and are definitely thinking of pulling the trigger on the same thing in the very near future. my wife is headed there this week to stay with a friend, and from the times we've been we've never lacked for anything to do...hiking, fishing, skiing, camping, rafting, etc. there's enough mountain hamlets close by to day trip visit to keep things interesting, and Albuquerque is only 60 miles and shithelldamn i commute that twice a week already going to one of my offices. fantastic food scene, farmer's markets, festivals, theatre, etc. we love it.
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