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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. actually, he also apparently eats "shit bullets" but whatever. there's a bigger issue in that pic... TRAPT!
  2. motherfucker you play that game in Atlanta…a fucking HOME game for you leghumpers… and a shit schedule in the East. don’t give me that handicapped shit. fucker, i went to law school in Georgia, i know exactly what’s up. you play shit teams and have a shit schedule. it’s why we routinely school your weak ass. enjoy while you can…we’re tailgrabbing your ass.
  3. CSB... tutored Shaq during my tenure at LSU (he didn’t need it, but athletes had to get X hours in the tutoring lab signed off no matter what, so he'd come in and i'd sign off on his logic homework/hours and he'd go about his day...occasionally he'd ask a question, sometimes sit and shoot the shit b/c we were both from Texas). great guy, authentic and personable af even back then. and very grateful about seemingly everything. he had a maroon Ford Explorer with a booming system he’d crank up on weekends in the dorm parking lot and just hang out there with his peeps to keep away from trouble...you'd NEVER see him out in Tigertown, The Chimes, Varsity, etc. just bumped his Explorer for all to hear. he knew where he was headed. when he announced he was going pro early, he stood in the middle of the quad the following day and thanked everyone who walked by for their support.
  4. the train whistle in the background is chef’s kiss…
  5. it wasn’t a “home game.” we played FSU this year in New Orleans…that’s why the game @FSU is in Orlando. flex that…
  6. fuck you. you think UND or whatever the fuck can hang with SEC/BCS teams. yeah…a game against Florida State in Orlando is a home game for LSU. fuck’s sake. eat a giant…and i do mean GIANT…dick, fucking yankee.
  7. fuck off with that shit. we consistently play a much better non-con than most anyone in the conference. next year we play at FSU, 2024 we have USC (in Vegas) and UCLA both on the sched. and yes, we travel for our non-cons (the past few years have seen us play away from home vs Texas, UCLA, Wisconsin, and Miami. your OOC sucks balls…consistently. your team, however, does not.
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