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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. those dragons can eat a lot of dirt…
  2. im there twice every other weekend for kid pick up/drop off. getcha a chopped bbq sammich loaded with pickles, jalapeños and onions a’la East Texas style. but only from the Woody’s on the west side of 20. the frozen quail breast wrapped bacon cooked on your own grill ain’t half bad either. fuck everything else….except their fountain Big Red.
  3. this…. if pancakes were felonies, there’s 3-4 OL being indicted on this play alone. proud of my Tribe.
  4. he knew his vittles were gonna be on point.
  5. he’s a child in every sense of the word.
  6. yeah, but you didn’t know at the time and neither did i…for completely different reasons. knowing what we both know now, you wouldn’t buy me bottle and nor would i accept it for myself if you did (i’d be gracious and thank you, but give it to my wife for her bar). ye, et al, are well aware of his disease but use it as a catalyst. that’s on ye…he’s responsible for that. no one else.
  7. As an addict in long-term recovery, I may not be responsible for my disease, but I'm the only one responsible for my initial and ongoing recovery. No one else...me. Moreover, i and no one else is responsible for the things I did in my addiction, same as I am now in recovery. My disease does not excuse behavior both in my addiction and in recovery. It may be a “reason” why I did some of the things I did, but it’s not an excuse. Same rules apply here.
  8. i see no lies. appreciate the perspective, apologies for the snark. i lose sight of that sometimes...
  9. i did indeed. all his bullshit happened long before i arrived, but his malfeasance was known statewide. but living there and hearing the stories first-hand was fucking awesome. dude was the very definition of a fuckstick...
  10. your smartass-ness aside, while she's there for life (or as long as she wants), there are things that can be done to put her in the corner. the chief administrative judge for that district can give her some really shitty assignments. s/he can pull her off the normal case assignment wheel/rotation and make her the exclusive admiralty judge for that division or the assign her all the ERISA cases that are filed to get her off a normal Art III docket. i've seen that happen with older judges who've lost their edge to shitty judges who'd continually manage to fuck up a shovel handle to amoral predators like Sam Kent. there's always a remedy to a problem in federal jurisprudence...
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