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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. the duck fat caramel ice cream at Heritage Creamery in Waco wins this thread.
  2. read my mind. she ain't dressed for an appearance in any federal court, much less one at this level with these issues.
  3. fucks sake, guiz…y’all read Dearie’s orders today: he brought the retired magistrate in to bill the fuck outta Trump outta sheer spite. pretty obvious Dearie hates the fuck outta Trump and his lawyers. dude doesn’t tolerate shenanigans nor shitheads.
  4. Kavanaugh's already onboard...one of the Trump judges on the 3 judge panel that issued the ruling clerked for Kavanaugh prior to being appointed to the 11th COA.
  5. as a criminal lawyer myself, you're overthinking this from your civil perspective. relax...no need to read so much into things in this area of law.
  6. it’s the only next stop if he chooses to appeal; 11th COA has a local rule that forbids en banc consideration of rulings on stays.
  7. wife and i went for a quick weekend trip weekend before last...Jewel of the South shined brightly.
  8. fuck that...i was knocking out Hardee's chicken biscuits almost daily in grad school back in '95. straight deliciousness.
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