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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. that’s not the take here…what she’s done is validated the worst fears of the DOJ and intelligence community: that being that he has guests “frequently there.” guests…frequently…in the presence of top secret, classified docs. his fucking lawyer just took a warm, juicy dump on his face.
  2. it's the elephant in the room, gump...
  3. sweet, perpetual sleep. no fucking way i'm going to wanna live for those 4 years.
  4. turns out when you're thinking of children all day, you're thinking of children all day.
  5. he's figured out that they knew he had a safe ahead of time and brought along a safecracker when they served a warrant... someone real close to him sold his ass upriver...and he cannot stand it.
  6. i 100% disagree with this take. this was measured and designed to have Trump speak out first, and let him stick himself in a box. predictably, that's exactly what he did and ended up making a fool of himself with a multitude of new rationales/lies. when stupid decides to speak, give him a stage and stay outta the way. second, they knew what they had and were going to get, and there's absolutely no explaining that away. Garland prosecuted Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh; he knows what he's doing and how to line up all the right targets in sequential order in big cases. and you can bet your ass he's done that here 50-fold. he knows you don't try to fry this particular fish until it's absolutely certain it's going to be dropped in the grease.
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