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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. this is an end run around the verification process; two of those lawyers know the motion is shit and don't want to verify a single factual assertion in the motion for fear of the repercussions of intentionally misleading the Court. rightfully so... it'll be interesting if they chose to comply and go ahead with the pro hac.
  2. i think he meant to say division, not district. local rules will determine whether the filing is proper. second, it’s neither a response or a complaint given it’s deficiencies. however, there’s a clue what was intended…it’s in the style of the case. do you see it?
  3. there’s a recipe trend i’m noticing on my Titter timeline of making disgusting fuck. here’s an example… oh…and i found Jade.
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