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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. if you’re passing through town, here’s a chance to not only tee up some good cue but have a real, tangible impact… https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca99WgCumNt/?utm_medium=copy_link
  2. i’m imagining the D’s lawyer’s asshole being gaped wider and wider with each successive question. that plaintiff is going to hammer the fuck out of the D’s. i hope they collect.
  3. 54 and i lift...a lot. 2x/day, in fact. and between that and genetics (both shoulders have a torn cuff, torn lambrum, bone spurs, foreign bodies, fluid and severe osteoarthritis...bone on bone, i'm scheduled for a total shoulder replacement on 3/25, and the other shoulder in Sept. fuck this shit, but i have to...i can no longer get a coffee cup out of the cupboard with either arm. all my lifting is now to the point where i'm having to modify every damn lift/exercise, and it's just become too much of a pain in the ass. can't sleep on either side, and if i do i'm up within the hour b/c of the gotdamn arthritis pain. thing is, b/c of my addiction, i can't take pain meds...not even post-surgical. so i'm doing this thing without narcotics. and it's fucked up spooky...but not as spooky as the shit i went through. and there's no fucking way i'm going to be in more pain than i am right now. in short...fuck getting old.
  4. and exactly why do you consider this a character defect?
  5. that was 4 years ago...i'm 54. then again, my nuts hang down below my knees.
  6. we camped out for a week at some campground on a river...forget the name or location. would drive into town the for the day, watch the games and walked around downtown, slept in my tent under the stars. good times...
  7. every fucker who harps this needs to be told that abortion is legal and free in Russia, and Russia has the highest abortion rate per capita in the world.
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