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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. Kyrie Eleison


  2. my goal as a criminal lawyer is to bring this to light and make it a constant consideration not only for my clients, but the African American and minority community as a whole. Latinos suffer from the same diseases in just as much silence as any other minority populace.
  3. each stanza addresses a different mental illness… 1. PTSD 2. Paranoia 3. Depression 4. Schizophrenia
  4. throwing a little ice water here...given that this particular rap/song is one of the most important expose' to date that sheds light on the massive problem of the various forms of mental illness in the black community and the consequences thereof, i'm can't allow application to Gaetz to sully the importance of this message to the world at large. that said, fuck him for beginning to strart his criminal trial politically...which he is exactly doing.
  5. knowing what i know about addiction, i can guarantee you that crazy bitch is a full grown wildcat in the sack. she’ll drain your life force and throw rocks at you for not having more to give.
  6. Baylor didn’t commit a single penalty the entire game. They’re extremely well-coached.
  7. he was already a convicted felon...this 41 month sentence is the result of being charged with (what in Texas would be) "Felon in Possession of a Firearm." see...Capt. Shitstainonmygoddamnunderpants here streamed himself holding firearms for all the world to see, which would include law enforcement, his probation officer, etc. yeah...
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