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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. fuuuuuuuuck...
  2. that's one helluva prayer for relief they've got going...
  3. https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/prepare-your-anus-gif-4.gif
  4. you sorry ass motherfucker...now it's stuck.
  5. well yeah...except that he has the poors and isn't a lawyer (although...as an aside...being a licensed attorney is not a requirement for serving as Attorney General).
  6. dude has a legit cognitive defect due to an organic injury...don't throw rocks here. https://www.nosue.org/homeless/neil-gillespie-was-homeless/
  7. goddammit...Herschel needs to put that little shit on some road crew pouring asphalt. but instead...this screaming banshee fucktwit is what he let's loose on the rest of humanity...as if the suckage of his football career wasn't enough.
  8. there's plenty of y'all gumps and barners who'd gleefully and repeatedly ram that up their own asses...
  9. from my own perspective, today reminds me of the day that i celebrated the completion of one full year of being clean and sober: a true sense of accomplishment but also a reminder to be ever-diligent on a daily basis.
  10. goddammit...it ain’t over yet. you gotta play to the last whistle. https://i.imgur.com/LtZTS4s.gif
  11. the inclusion of Hannah Arendt is damned interesting from a politico-philosophical perspective in light of her writings on totalitarian systems and bourgeois ethics. that’s a real deal discussion i’d like to have on this board.
  12. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Rimfire_22_Family.jpg
  13. that means “i don’t have an office anymore and i’m not giving my home address where i work out of my closet.”
  14. that’s baby shit....Lin Wood is a law school alum of my law school. along with Nancy Grace. fucking bitchwhoresluts...
  15. wonder if he knows Niger Carl...
  16. all i know is that tomorrow is bird day...
  17. i did but scratched. weather has the birds flooding the middle of my pond for me to look at...gotta figure out a way to get where they wanna be. that’ll require a floating blind, probably a converted pontoon boat. which gives me a badass project. glad y’all got a few. we’ll do it soon.
  18. no idea. i assume the light came on after willingly bending over for a smoove 4 year butt fucking. or maybe he saw his two neighbors conversing about last weekend’s blizzard and whatnot and his narcissism assumed we were talking about how he fell for the grift. who knows...entertaining nonetheless. he’s really a good guy, just encapsulated and unable to think past step 1. after having done med-mal litigation back in the day i find that completely natural. dude his protestations were loud enough that my lovely wife came outside thinking i’d fucked something up and hurt myself.
  19. my neighbor is a retired radiologist who’s been flying a Trump flag or 2 since we moved in a couple of years ago (the neighbor on the other side of him is the former Ambassador to Sweden underneath Clinton, so we have him boxed in). so just now...like 10 mins ago...i’m cleaning out my garage, and the ambassador saunters by (he has a prosthetic leg so maybe not saunter) and we’re shooting the shit and whatnot as i’m putting Christmas shit away, and we hear “GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING SHIT ARGA BARGA BALONGA DING DONG!!!” coming from the radiologist. we get all wide eyed and peak around the corner and he’s dismantling his entire flag pole with Trump propaganda flags still attached and throwing that shit in the street. we smiled and waved...lulz.
  20. and finally the rare qp... fucking Blotto broke the internets with his post.
  21. tp...
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