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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. Amos throwing down the suplex...holy shit and lol.
  2. i am shouldered with the burden of "bodies in trees" that i must carry around like Sisyphus...you have the "naked burger." yours wins...
  3. color gives it away...it’s shotgun shell brass.
  4. https://i.gifer.com/2vmv.gif
  5. he looks like a pink nightmare, like a deranged Easter bunny. is he happy wearing that?
  6. in your dream was Brisket a big, ugly ogre looking dude with a micro-pud? if so, you’ve met him...
  7. not happening...but A+ effort.
  8. after i showed her i was being called out, i was given permission to post one pic.
  9. sorry...for my eyes and hands only. you’re just going to have to trust me and those here who’ve met her.
  10. she actually really does...
  11. uncanny resemblence to my wife...
  12. no need to get all factual and worked up...this is just the q-tards being trolled by some obviously magnificent bastards.
  13. ahem.... but i didn’t migrate....i’ve been around these parts since the GoBig12 days back in ‘96 or so and every iteration thereof. i do go there for shits and giggles though. and the food board. the recipe thread stickies to the top of that particular board is fucking amazing.
  14. Frankenstein is the doctor...the monster doesn’t have a name.
  15. Rudy’s spiking the ball when the other team scored. that judge’s ruling is for the sole limited purpose of determining whether a state resolution on the ballot actually passed: the resolution won by a single vote in that jurisdiction. what resolution you ask? whether to legalize marijuana. The ruling has nothing to do with any aspect of the presidential election nor the machines in that specific race, and in fact specifically excludes that race. Rudy is either too dumb, senile or disingenuous to not pick this up.
  16. Markie Post had a magnificent pair of sucks...i would probably still would do felonious things to her.
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