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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. those are good crackers...
  2. for me personally, if one doesn't get the style correct/title correct, it's usually...not always, but usually...pretty indicative what's in the body in terms of whether they understand the issue to be and what they're asking the court to remedy.
  3. i swear to god that title in the style of the motion reads exactly as if a first semester 1L wrote it in their legal writing class...OR a lifetime transactional whose entire career has been spent in a broom closet so that no actual client has the misfortune of running into the trogladyte who has never once stepped inside a courtroom.
  4. lulz...St. Jerome was a dick.
  5. forget to edit...usually happens when you add really cold water or stock too quickly.
  6. usually happens when you add really cold water or stock. pro-tip: an immersion blender is your friend in these situations.
  7. i think i ends up with jardia or avian cholera or some such shit because had the drizzling shits real real bad.
  8. once drank water straight out of a ricefield. i was thirsty as fuck and had forgotten my water bottle that particular hunt.
  9. ahem...query me this: whose name is on the pleading? because that's who's responsible to the Court for the contents of that pleading.
  10. yeah...no. i'm going to disagree. this was an intentional redaction meant to deceive the Court, regardless of how little she spoke of it in the motion. bottom line is that documents like these...if obtained properly...are self-authenticating as public records. she knows that...hell, EVERY 2L and beyond knows that. it's Evidence 101 (see Fed. R. Ev. 902(2)(a-b)). and it's extraordinarily easy to get a true and correct copy of a self-authenticating public document. her entire conjucture is she purports to be a fact, when it fact it's not due to her own intentional malfeasance. this is intentional on her part...she's playing fast and loose. she should be sanctioned at minimum, most likely she should be immediately barred from practicing in that Court and prosecuting the present action barring a show cause hearing on why shouldn't be barred and sanctioned.
  11. most are convinced that Biden is under house arrest right now and the boot for his sprained ankle is covering a monitor. It is only a matter of time before he concedes (to take the death penalty off the table for his treason) and is sentenced during a tribunal.
  12. one can claim prospective injunctive relief as a remedy to meet the requirements of a valid cause of action, but that does them no good.
  13. that sounds like something Jesus would say...
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