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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. you’re welcome to use my cack if you want...
  2. you forgot to mention the dildo sale next door...
  3. yeah...this reeks of taxpayer standing.
  4. 30 mins of Yucko the Clown...
  5. if i were only fortunate enough to have something like this filed in adversely in one of my own cases, i'd be all... then i'd be like... and then all "whaddup now, bish?"
  6. years ago i sued a nursing home on behalf of some clients, and the name of the corporation filed with the SOS was “Los Lobos, Inc.”
  7. something about Dotard turns the brains of those around him into blackeyed peas. which, btw, are fucking delicious.
  8. that’s “get you disbarred” bad...
  9. it is...it’s the brass of a spent hull, hence the plastic.
  10. more accurate to the story...
  11. that’s the reason why he has a pacemaker...
  12. that was my soph year in college. my old man...a vet...called me up and said “gotdammit, don’t go off and do something stupid like enlist. that shit’ll be over before you finish training then you’re stuck.”
  13. we also invented some damn decent cocktails...and we like to party. don't lump all of us in one bag. ...and did you see the ass on my avatar? look at it...LOOK AT IT!
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