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About Enemy07

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  1. I'm way off on Bond then.
  2. What are your guesses for Blue, Bond, and Golden in the 40? Blue 4.35 Bond 4.45 Golden 4.4
  3. Central Austin - Was outside in shorts only and barefoot for 15 minutes. Not even that cold. Feels good to be a true Texan. Just messing with you old folks. But yeah, its not that cold outside.
  4. If I remember correctly from my astronomy class, the chances of Earth getting hit by a devastating asteroid are astronomically low. I think Earth has a higher chance of getting hit by a piece of moon being broken off and gravity shooting it toward here. If, of course, the gravitational pull of the sun and earth line up correctly, for that broken piece of moon to have a 100% trajectory towards Earth. But my intelligence of math and calculations are merely at a financial, economical, and business level. And I would enjoy reading responses from physicist and advanced mathematicians.
  5. Rainy has been more...dead than lately. Maybe its because I acknowledge @Nicole44 when I am in her territory and show her the much needed respect. Hmmm... Or it could be because of the new construction.
  6. To have him and Anthony Hill back to back makes me believe our defense is in very good hands and will continue to be top caliber. Not to say the defense never had great players -we have so many players that started in the NFL and were not developed - but linebacker has been our weakest point.
  7. Moved up to a 5 star with On3.
  8. Why do coaches make such bone headed decisions on crucial plays. Typical sport mentalities.
  9. Holding and block in the back not called. WWE showtime like NFL
  10. He is not included in the 16. He is returning.
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