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Everything posted by Enemy07

  1. Evem Cobourn is trying to ask Jamisom "wtf are you thinking"
  2. They finally did it! Defense turning it around boys and girls. No more 3 and Longhorns
  3. Where is the 1 person that is not worried about Sark fucking up a 2 digit lead!? Ha. (not laughing at you but agreeing). We have been down this dark dark road before.
  4. So Ewers and Sanders looked like they had great chemistry early in the season. Then Billingsley came in and the passing game dropped off. What am I missing?
  5. Maybe that was Pks motive this whole time. Leave the middle open all game except for that one time.He is thinking 3 steps ahead. hehe
  6. When Texas holds and gets away with it, announcers are quick to point it out. Go figure.
  7. Why did Jamison hesitate on that play!? Scheme or his fault?
  8. Fuck, if that player was disciplined, we would not have a hurt player.
  9. What heppened? Okmst got a taste of their own medicine?
  10. So this is bringing back memories. She may or may have not been in some sexy clothing magazines?
  11. So Im guessing when Derka shows up dumb shit happens?
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