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Born Burnt

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Everything posted by Born Burnt

  1. I'm just here to drop off this delivery. Y'all let me know if you need anything else.
  2. For clarity, those red circles are not traffic. They are indicating HOV/express lane closures.
  3. I don't know what it means... but Texas and Ohio are the only states you type with one hand.
  4. Here's a source to following airport info: https://nasstatus.faa.gov/
  5. I wanna know more about this "Fun Time" camper...
  6. Agreed, but can we do it without saying "lean into"? If you disagree, let's put a pin in it and circle back later offline, so we can drill down and align.
  7. Leave it to Surly to take what should be an exciting time for Longhorn fans and turn it into a dick-punching reminiscence of misery.
  8. It's not the roads you need to worry about. It's entering the stadium.
  9. Time to revisit this TexAgs gem from Aug. 2022...
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