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Born Burnt

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Everything posted by Born Burnt

  1. I don't know where to put this, so here it goes. Fucking fantastic. https://dailycaller.com/2022/04/15/ukraine-destroyed-russian-tank-viral-video-red-dawn-wolverines/
  2. NARRATOR: Turns out, he did not own his own site.
  3. Ted Balloon is a stone-cold killer.
  4. "…wouldn't say completely locked in with Texas."
  5. Here's the answer the where: https://www.midlandace.com/
  6. I was just thinking about Sunday's game again.
  7. 😳 https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/twk18l/jada_pinkett_smith_talking_about_how_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  8. I hate it when I buy someone a meal, and they say, "Let me leave the tip" in that overly righteous tone that implies they have now paid for half the meal.
  9. I was at the game. Fucking blast. From all the fat dudes with beards in burnt orange, I assume a lot y'all were there too. Which one of you were that guy yelling "your mom hates you" to the OU pitcher?
  10. Still waiting for more reviews before I read the story. Is it the one where Will Smith slaps Abe Lincoln during the Gettysburg Address? Cuz I've already read that one.
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