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Born Burnt

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Everything posted by Born Burnt

  1. My point is that everyone is worried about sports spreading the virus, but there are other things that are going to spread it much more. If we feel allowing sports – even with all the monitoring and control – is dangerous to the point where we need to cancel it, then students should stay home and attend classes online.
  2. Huh, I didn't know the Marlins were a college team. College athletes not playing this fall are going to be attending parties and still spreading the virus. Anyone who thinks differently doesn't spend much time around college students.
  3. Yes, and sports are not going to be the problem. Off-campus parties are going to be the problem. And there's nothing the Big Ten or PAC can do about that.
  4. True story: Hitler sent his condolences.
  5. I dunno. If I recall correctly, he also just randomly killed people, like a couple of asshole drivers and a dude who owed him money on Christmas day. To this guy killing someone was no different than eating a sandwich.
  6. Vacations that weren't car trips to visit relatives.
  7. There's a woman one should never cheat on.
  8. It's an older post, sir, but it still gets rep.
  9. One day you will be willing to give anything just have one more of those 20 minute conversations with your dad.
  10. Info here: https://radionb.com/sites/default/files/RadioJam2020_art.pdf Stream here: https://streamdb3web.securenetsystems.net/v5/KNBT
  11. Jamie is now Manager of Inventory and Operations at Eagle Pipe.
  12. It's obviously a goof for entertainment. "Fat Guy With Terrible Diarrhea" should have made that clear.
  13. Yeah, except for the fact he was a giraffe-loving gypsy geologist from another generation who brought germs from the gym.
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