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Born Burnt

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Everything posted by Born Burnt

  1. Cross-posting cuz it needs to be here. Glad to see at least one person in Bryan/College Station has a sense of humor
  2. Glad to see at least one person in Bryan/College Station has a sense of humor
  3. Anyone know why VY missed his SEC Network appearance this evening?
  4. When I first read the thread title, I thought you meant that you needed the helmet to wear in your office. Anyone every been here? Most of it is office supply type stuff, but I've seen some cool sports uniforms & equipment: https://facilitiesservices.utexas.edu/services/surplus-property-moving-services/surplus-reuse-store The hours totally suck.
  5. Yep. I tried to recreate that amazing moment in the "Aggy AI thread of dominance" thread, but did a poor job and don't think anyone got the reference. I found the video back then, but can't find it now either. Looks like someone did some scrubbing.
  6. Aggie fans wanted this... Instead of this...
  7. Horse is understandably trying to protect his cornhole.
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