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Born Burnt

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Everything posted by Born Burnt

  1. They retired from their first careers and don't need the money.
  2. Does anyone else like the idea of branding these with a Surly Horns watermark? (Or any original content posted on the site, for that matter.) If so, PM me and I can send you the file. If you use an AI platform that adds its own watermark, there are multiple sites the will remove it for free, including this one: https://www.watermarkremover.io/
  3. I thought how the AI added a lone Surly member in orange shorts sneaking pics with his phone was truly insightful.
  4. https://www.oed.com/dictionary/patheticness_n?tl=true
  5. Yep. I'm not big fan of many live albums, but "Live Shots" is a masterpiece. I asked Taylor if touring with The Clash was as much fun as I think it was, and he responded, "It was even more fun." RIP, Taylor.
  6. In Australia they call it Foster's Flop
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