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  1. Are we really 40 mins away or is my stream shit?
  2. I watched it at Sports and Social at The Battery
  3. You were in the locker room? What mindset did we come in with, exactly?? They're just better, brah.
  4. Or, you know...maybe they're just better
  5. This crowd is a MOTHERF'ING embarrassment and a shit stain on CDC
  6. Hudson was named starter weeks before the season started...a little late to transfer. Casey buckled down and kept competing. Can't expect the kid to keep giving his all when the coach is looking for an upgrade.
  7. Stupid take is stupid. The dude competed his ass off and the coaching staff basically told him he's not starter material with their actions re Ewers. If he wants meaningful playing time his best option is to transfer. I'll be rooting for the kid wherever he goes.
  8. Guys I'm beginning to think we're not a top 10 team
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